Page 90 of Indulgent Pleasures

“I’m so glad I’m here,” she whispered, her eyes glowing in the dimming light. “I’m so glad I’m with you.”

“Yeah, babe. I’m glad you’re here, too.” Here was his moment, his chance to confess his feelings. Reaching out, he drew a finger down her soft cheek, her skin so warm and fragrant. “Stephanie...”

“Yes?” She sounded hopeful, her eyes wide, beseeching.

He searched her face and blinked, trying to form the right words. Should he just blurt it out and say it? Or lead up to it somehow?

This was impossible.

“Stephanie, you, uh, you mean a lot to me.” He paused, cursed himself internally. “I mean, I care about you a lot.”

“I care about you, too, Justin.” She reached up and kissed him, her mouth soft and delicious beneath his.

He cradled her cheek with his palm, staring deep into her eyes. “I’ve never been in a real relationship before. And I want to be in one. With you.”

She nodded, her lips curved in the faintest smile. “I want that, too, despite what I said before. You mean everything to me and I know I’m ready for it, ready for you. For us.”

Justin kissed her again, his tongue doing a slow glide along the seam of her lips before he broke away. “I’m glad you’re ready for it. I hope you’re ready for what I have to say next.”

Her delicate brows drew together and she cocked her head, waiting for him. She didn’t say a word.

He gulped. It was now or never. His fingers smoothed over her skin, absorbing her warmth, gathering strength. “I love you, Stephanie.”

Her lips parted in surprise and he was hit with instant fear. Did he do it wrong? Should he have led up to it more?

What if she didn’t love him back?

“I’ve never said that to any other woman before with the exception of my grandma but that’s different.” He laughed, he sounded nervous, he could hear it. “I’m saying it to you now, and I may have gone about it the wrong way but I don’t want to take the words back. I’m in love with you.”

“Oh, Justin.” She kissed him, rolled practically on top of him and wrapped her body all around his. “I’ve fallen in love with you, too.”

He pushed at her shoulders so he could look into her eyes. “You’re serious.”

“Oh, yes.” Her sea-blue eyes twinkled and she kissed him again, this one more intense, her tongue mating with his, her hands smoothing all over him. “I love you, Justin. I love you so much it hurts.”

“It should never hurt, babe. Something like this is too good to hurt.”

And that was the damn truth. He’d never felt so happy, so free in all his life. He was in love. And she was in love with him, too.

Now that he had her, he was never going to let her go. Nothing was going to keep him from being with this woman.


Chapter Twenty-Nine

Stephanie wanted to skip down the sidewalk but she kept herself in check, biting on her lower lip to keep the giddiness inside of her from escaping.

Justin gave her hand a squeeze, smiling down at her, looking just about as giddy as she felt. After another slower, even more intense bout of lovemaking, they’d gotten dressed and decided to have dinner out to celebrate.

She still couldn’t believe he’d told her he loved her. Justin Hawkins loved her. He wanted to be with her forever. It was like her every dream come true. The most perfect man for her in the entire world felt exactly the same way she did.

Her luck couldn’t get any better.

“The restaurant is right up here,” Justin said with a wave of his free hand. “I ate dinner here my first night in the city and it was delicious.”

God, she wasn’t even hungry, her stomach too bouncy with nerves and excitement. She didn’t want to eat, she wanted to go back to the hotel room and roll around naked with Justin for the rest of the night.

But she’d agreed because he’d admitted he was hungry. She’d even heard his stomach growl, making the both of them laugh and he’d looked embarrassed. He’d promised the restaurant was close to the hotel and they’d hurriedly put on clothes, eager to get the meal out of the way so they could get back to what they really wanted to do.