Page 72 of Indulgent Pleasures

He had no clue.

Slanting his head, he deepened the kiss, thrusting his tongue into her mouth and she answered in kind, her teeth nipping, tugging on his lower lip. Their hands were everywhere, shedding clothing until the two of them were naked, standing at the foot of his bed.

She pulled away and stared at him, her eyes wandering from the top of his head to the tip of his toes. He felt oddly vulnerable to her gaze, wondering what she thought, how she felt.

And then an idea formed in his head, one that would lay her bare, leave her open to him and he wanted that more than anything. Wanted her to realize how much she could trust him and how much he trusted her in return.

“Stephanie.” Her gaze met his and he swallowed hard. “I want to do—something.”

Her delicate brows drew down. “What do you want to do?”

Justin reached for her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. “I want to tie you up.”

* * *

Stephanie’s mouth dropped open in shock. “Come again?”

Justin nodded, his jaw tense. “You heard me. What do you think?”

She shook her head, stumbling around for words. “I—I don’t know what to think.”

Tugging on her hand, he drew her close. “Then don’t think, let’s just do it. Show me that you trust me, Stephanie. I won’t hurt you. I promise.”

“I know you would never hurt me, Justin.” She kept her expression somber. Without a doubt, she knew he would never harm a hair on her head. “But you really want to tie me up?”

He nodded, his other arm circling her around her waist, pulling her close to his hard, warm body. “Trust me, babe. I know how to make you feel good. You won’t regret it.”

“I know.” But his suggestion felt as if it came out of nowhere and she wondered what he might be trying to prove.

Yes, she trusted him, but to be naked and so vulnerable, unable to move while he pleasurably tortured her, indulged in her body. She wasn’t sure if she could take it. Wasn’t sure if she wanted to take it.

“Let me do this, Stephanie. If you want me to stop, just say the word.” He stared deep into her eyes and she noticed his were dark and sincere and full of sexual promise.

“Okay.” Oh, she gave into this man so easily.

“I’ll use some neckties.” He paused, a tentative smile on his face. She could tell he really wanted to do this. “I’ll keep the knots loose.”

Stephanie glanced down, staring at the pattern stitched into the carpet. She wanted to do this yet a part of her was scared. But why? What did she ever have to fear when it came to Justin?

Maybe it was the thought of giving up complete control. Doing this would be total surrender.

“Don’t have doubts, baby. This’ll be good.” He smiled, his expression full of promise.

“I know.” She did know. And she agreed because she wanted to make him happy.

“You won’t regret it.” He kissed her, his lips lingering, reassuring.


nbsp; He left her to go to the giant dresser and open the top drawer, withdrawing a handful of ties. They were beautiful, colorful and probably cost more than most of the dresses she wore but she pushed that thought aside. How she hated comparing their lifestyles but she couldn’t help it. She did it on an almost constant basis.

Their lives were so different and that was something she couldn’t deny.

Quietly he stripped her, his hands gentle, his eyes heated as he drank her in. He then shed his clothing until there was nothing between them. Just glorious, naked skin.

“Why don’t you lie down on the bed?” Funny how his voice changed in an instant as did his mood. His voice was dark and silky yet held a thread of steel just beneath the surface. As if he wasn’t going to tolerate her protests at this moment.

She’d given her word and now he expected her to go through with it.