Page 64 of Indulgent Pleasures

“How’s your knee?”

Shifting, he stretched his leg out, testing it. He’d completely forgotten it was giving him trouble, he’d become so focused on Stephanie. “It’s fine. It doesn’t really hurt at all.”

“Must be some good drugs,” she said with a little smirk.

“Must be the sexy nurse indulging in my every need.”

They kissed, their mouths lingering, hands wandering. Nothing too lusty, just gentle touches and sweet sighs before they finally drifted off to sleep.

Yeah, he could definitely get used to this.

Chapter Twenty-One

I was solely focused on giving him pleasure, taking care of his every need and whim. Putting my own needs on the back burner, I didn’t even care if I had an orgasm or not. I gave him all that I had to give. Bending over him in my little nurse’s uniform and allowing him a glimpse of my cleavage, I wanted to drive him out of his mind. I was nursing him back to health, so to speak.

Never before had I felt in such control of a man, so powerful in a sexual situation. I loved it. I reveled in my newfound power but then he turned the tables on me.

And he gave me the most intense orgasm of my life with his mouth and fingers. Because he wanted to, because he wanted me and no one else. I had never come so hard before.

Pretending to be something else, someone else gives a person a certain amount of strength. I was able to lose myself in the moment and not worry about the usual things. Am I too fat, how do I look in this position? God, how can he stand to do that?

None of those thoughts went through my head. With this man, they never really do. I don’t worry. With him, I’m just able to let go and feel.

“Damn Steph, is this guy for real?” Zoe arched a brow as she reached for her ever present cup of Starbucks.

Stephanie tucked her hands into her lap, squirming in her seat. She hated it when Zoe called her into her office to drill her about the latest article she’d written. It was as if Zoe had a sixth sense who the subject matter was.

She couldn’t

forget Zoe’s admission she’d once had a raging crush on Justin and chased him all over the city long ago. It lingered in the back of her mind every time Zoe made a comment about her subject matter.

“He’s one hundred percent real,” Stephanie said with a nod. “I wouldn’t be making this up, trust me.”

“Well, he’s too damn perfect for his own good. Does this man even have any faults? Are you embellishing some of this because it makes good copy? Not that I would blame you for it, I mean come on, your fantasy series is doing fabulously.” Zoe paused, glancing again at the printed copy of Stephanie’s article she’d just turned in.

“I’m not embellishing anything.”

Zoe set the papers down with a flourish. “Then you’re a lucky woman, Steph. I would kill to have a man so focused on my needs, my wants and desires.”

The wistful look on Zoe’s face surprised Stephanie. She’d never even thought about it before. Did Zoe have a boyfriend?

She had no clue.

The office door burst open and in walked Caleb, his strides determined as he stalked across the office and sat in the chair next to Stephanie. He gave her a curt nod before looking at Zoe.

“You want to cut my article.”

Zoe shrugged. “I don’t approve of the content. It’s an editorial decision I had to make at the last minute. I’m sorry, Caleb.”

He blew out a frustrated breath and Stephanie sat completely still, her gaze going from Caleb to Zoe and then back again.

What the hell just happened?

“Are you cutting me entirely or what?” He sounded angry, frustrated.

Stephanie was dying to know what the article was about. It took a lot to offend Zoe.

“Absolutely not. I still want you to share the column with Stephanie. It’s just that I didn’t find the content appropriate to print in City. I know we’re considered a gritty and realistic magazine but I want to keep things tasteful. Stephanie’s stuff is sexy, sometimes even a little dirty but she always writes it in a tasteful way.”