Page 51 of Indulgent Pleasures

She’d always enjoyed planning parties, specifically party décor and it had been her specialty when she’d worked on the home and garden section at City Magazine. She loved her parents more than anything, and knew they’d be thrilled to have a party in their honor.

“Okay,” Stephanie agreed easily.

“This anniversary will be their fortieth so it’s important they have a big party. They’ve been together for so long, they deserve it.” Erin leaned to the side and pulled her phone out of her purse.

Erin was a real estate agent, a very successful one despite the recent poor housing market. She lived in Marin with her uber-rich boyfriend who refused to get her an engagement ring, much to her disappointment. And she always dressed impeccably, her smart suits utter and expensive perfection. Never a hair out of place and not a smudge of lipstick or mascara on her pretty face, Erin was the epitome of complete perfection.

She drove Stephanie absolutely nuts. The urge to reach over and muss her up just to see what would happen was always strong when near Erin.

“When do you want to have the party?” Stephanie asked as Erin scanned through her phone.

“God, you’re so slow with that thing.” Andrea yanked her Blackberry out of her purse and started scrolling. “We want to have it at the end of next month.”

“But isn’t their anniversary in November?”

“They’re going on an eight week trip across Europe and they leave November first. We wanted to throw the party before they leave.” Andrea smiled at her. “What do you think?”

“Well, of course I’ll help, but I’m not sure what I can do.”

“Oh Stephanie, don’t be modest. You always know how to decorate a party to perfection. In fact, we’re hosting a huge holiday open house this year and Roger and I were discussing it. We’d like you to decorate it for us.” Erin kept scanning through her phone, her eyes never leaving the screen.

As long as pervert Roger kept his hands to himself, they were all good. “Um okay, I guess I can help you with that, too.”

She had no clue her sisters thought she had any kind of talent. Who knew they could actually have kind thoughts about her?

Stephanie sat back in her chair, a realization slamming her straight in the face. Why did she always surround herself with such negative people? Her sisters she couldn’t avoid. Her boss she couldn’t really avoid either and since Caleb sat right next to her, well hell.

Even her roommate was bitchy and moody. And she really didn’t have any friends. She never made the time to hang out with them though there were a few people at work she liked to talk to and go to lunch with.

The only person she really liked spending time with was Justin. And that was just temporary. A fling. Not someone she planned on spending a lot of time with in the future.

It had to end someday though she secretly didn’t want it to.

“Perfect. So before Erin steals you away to work on her party, let’s get started on Mom and Dad’s.” Andrea beamed and slipped a piece of paper across the table. “We wanted to go with vibrant fall colors as the theme. Rich browns and gold and burgundy. What do you think?”

Stephanie looked at the article that had been torn out of a magazine. City Magazine. And the article had been written by her last year.

“I love what you came up with in that piece about fall entertaining in last October’s issue. I want to try some of the looks you created for Mom and Dad’s party,” Andrea said.

She’d come up with the entire scheme herself and had a heck of time getting the staff photographer to capture it just right. They’d all worked long and hard and the end result had been fantastic. That article had been one of her most popular pieces.

Well, before the sexual fantasy articles came along but they didn’t count. No one even knew she wrote them.

“I’ve already reserved the location. It’ll be at The Fairmont in one of their smaller ballrooms,” Erin added.

Stephanie’s brows rose. That had been the hotel where the charity event was held. The same hotel where she’d made love to Justin all night long until her body had been exhausted and her brain complete mush.

Her skin warmed in remembrance. The way he’d touched her, the way he’d looked at her and the words he’d said. She was seeing him again tonight though what they were doing, she had no clue. He was going to call her later and give her the details.

Just thinking about him had her wet and aching.

“Won’t that be expensive?” Stephanie finally asked, hoping they wouldn’t ask for any monetary contribution for the party. She didn’t really have any to spare.

“Don’t worry about it. Roger and I have it covered. So does Andrea and Drake.” Erin smiled and slipped her phone back into her Gucci purse. “So are we on? You’ll help us out, Stephanie?”

“Absolutely,” Stephanie said with a nod and she reached for her drink again, taking another sip.

“Perfect. The Fairmont provides catering and a DJ. I already hired a florist. We just want you to oversee everything and help pick out colors, the menu, all of that.”