“So what’s with the fancy car?”

If he could avoid telling her exactly who he was then he would. “I knew I was going to drink tonight and I didn’t want to drive my own car.”

“So you rented this instead?” She sounded incredulous. Probably was though it wasn’t so unusual for someone of his status to do something like this. Hell, he had plenty of money to burn. Plus, like a hopeful ass he’d anticipated bringing a woman back with him.

He hadn’t counted on a woman like her but she was a pleasant, arousing surprise. One he planned on enjoying if she let him.

How he hoped she’d let him.

He shrugged. “I didn’t want to take any chances.”

“I guess that’s an admirable trait.”

“You guess?” He liked how she talked. She didn’t hold anything back and half the time she seemed a little confused. As if he confused her perhaps?

It was cute. She was cute. And she had sexy feet. A body part he’d never really found sexy before.

“Well, I think it’s better that you rented this versus potentially driving drunk. Though planning on getting drunk isn’t very admirable, you know.” She nibbled on her lower lip, the plump red flesh contrasting against the flash of little white teeth.

Damn, everything she did was sexy.

This was most definitely going to be long night.

“I had no particular plans on getting plastered. It was just a precaution.” He couldn’t believe he was defending himself.

“Oh.” She nodded, her toes curling again and he had the

strong urge to bring her foot up to his lips and kiss them. Suck each and every one of those little toes into his mouth.

Great, now he had a foot fetish because of her. Unbelievable.

“Give me your other foot.” When she stared at him oddly, he reached for her. He slipped his hand beneath her knee and lifted.

She got the hint, slowly resting her other foot on his thigh and she stretched out, burrowing her back even further into the corner of the seat. He peeled off her shoe, let it drop to the floor and then started to massage the bottom of her foot.

Her head tilted back, her lids going to half mast and she pursed her lips. The look of pleasure on her face was unmistakable and his cock twitched against his fly, suddenly anxious, the air becoming a little too close.

Justin released his grip on her foot and unbuttoned first one shirt cuff and then the other, rolling his sleeves up to his elbows. She watched in fascination, her gaze drinking him in, her expressive face a complete and total turn on.

Yeah, there was no mistaking she liked him, maybe almost as much as he liked her.

A little moan escaped when he resumed massaging her foot and nudged a particular spot. He nudged it again, dug his thumb in deep, eliciting another groan. Her eyes glowed in the dim light from outside that passed over them as the car moved and he allowed his fingers to wander. Up her ankle, across her shin and curving around her calf. Her skin was firm and smooth and he tickled lightly behind her knee, making her giggle.


“A little.”

“Feel good?” His voice deepened, went husky and her lips parted.

The urge to kiss her was so strong it nearly overwhelmed him.

“Yes,” she whispered and he desperately wanted to hear her whisper that single word in his ear when he entered her the first time. Wanted to hear her say it when he was balls deep inside her and pounding an endless rhythm within her body.

More than anything, he wanted to hear her whisper a breathless yes when he made her come, her pussy clenching uncontrollably around his cock.

Sweat misted his forehead, his skin felt tight and hot and he reached for the collar of his shirt. He undid the knot of his tie and pulled it off with a quick yank.

“Are you hot?” Her sweet voice asked such an innocent question but the double entendre conjured up all sorts of images.