Page 28 of Indulgent Pleasures

But she wasn’t sure if he felt the same way. Why would he? He could have any woman he wanted and she’d done her research. He’d never really had any long term relationships during his entire career with the Miners.

He was thirty-two years old and a confirmed bachelor. After everything she’d read she should consider herself lucky to get the little piece of him she’d already had.

She was greedy and she couldn’t help it. She wanted more. Much more. Probably more than he was willing to give.

And that part hurt the most.

Chapter Eleven

It had taken almost an hour but they’d finally arrived at Justin’s house. Surprisingly, he lived in Half Moon Bay, a quaint little town that appealed to tourists located right on the scenic Highway One. It wasn’t known to be a place the rich elite flocked to live.

He surprised her yet again.

The house was big, not a gargantuan mansion by any means but a decent size. It was older, a fixer upper from what she could tell and he hadn’t lied when he told her the place needed work. There was hardly any furniture and a couple of the rooms from what she could tell stood empty.

The kitchen had been remodeled recently. The latest in appliances and gleaming granite countertops shone beneath the multiple spotlights that dotted the ceiling. A huge window above the sink overlooked the ocean and Stephanie turned to Justin, her eyes widening the slightest bit.

He was watching her carefully as he leaned against the counter and he shuffled his feet the slightest bit. He winced and she knew immediately something was wrong.

“Are you all right?”

Justin nodded and crossed his arms in front of his chest. All macho, blustering male. “I’m fine.”

His voice was a little too gruff and he seemed to be easing up on one leg. She wondered if his injury from the accident still gave him trouble.

Of course it did. The knee injury had been so severe it had cut short his career. He’d admitted to her that night at the Italian restaurant he underwent tremendous physical therapy but that wasn’t a magic healer.

“Is it your knee?” She kept her voice low since she knew he didn’t like to talk about it.

She had a feeling he didn’t like admitting he was in pain.

He nodded once. “I’ll be all right. It just aches a little.”

“Did you hurt it earlier? In the garage?” She bit her lower lip, guilt filling her. Had they gone at it too roughly and he’d hurt himself as a result? She’d never forgive herself for being so careless.

Or maybe for weighing so damn much. She was no waif that was for sure.

“It’s the damp weather. Even before the accident, it would make my knee ache. Now even more so.” He leaned even more on the kitchen counter and she saw the subtle lift of his foot.

Stephanie went to him and rested her hands on his chest. That warm solid wall of muscle made her realize just how strong he was.

The injured knee reminded her just how vulnerable he was, too.

“You should go lay down.”

With a smile, he curved an arm around her waist, nudging her closer. “I thought I should soak it.”

“Absolutely. That’s a good idea.”

His smile grew. He looked positively wicked. “With you joining me in my whirlpool tub.”

She arched a brow. “Will it fit us both?”

“Oh, yeah. I just had the kitchen and the master bathroom remodeled.” He waggled his eyebrows, making her giggle. “We could fit a party of four in that tub.”

“There’d better not be a party of four in there. I’m not into group sex.” She swatted at his chest and her fingers lingered, smoothing over his pecs.

She loved touching him, all of that warm, firm skin. So big, so strong and yet so achingly gentle.