Page 22 of Indulgent Pleasures

She could act as blasé as she wanted but secretly she couldn’t deny it was thrilling to have him calling. As if he wanted to see her more. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been pursued by a man. Yes, she dated, she’d had a few relationships in her life but nothing as exhilarating as what was happening between her and Justin.

“I’m back in San Francisco tomorrow afternoon,” he finally said. “I was wondering if you wanted to get together.”

“Um, okay, sure. That should work.” She winced. Playing it cool was so not her game.

“Great. You want me to call you after I get in? It’ll be in the early afternoon.”

“Okay.” Excitement bubbled up within her. Just moments ago she’d thought herself happy with the break from him and now she couldn’t wait to see him again.

“Are you at work? Do you realize you’ve never told me what you do?” He sounded a little incredulous and she nibbled on her lower lip, wondering how exactly she could tell him.

“Yes, I am at work actually. I, um, I’m a writer.”

“Really?” His voice took a sharper turn and she swallowed hard, made a quick decision.

“Yes, for a small home and lifestyle magazine. I write articles about designing the interior of your house on a budget, stuff like that.”

“No kidding? I should have you check out my house. It’s practically empty and now that I’m home more often, I want to do something with it.” He paused again, the silence expectant, full of tension. “So maybe do you want to come over to my house tomorrow? After you get off work?”

“That sounds perfect.” It was exactly what she’d wanted to do.

“Then I’ll call you after I land. We can make more solid plans then.”

“Okay, have fun. Fly safe.”

“Thanks Stephanie.” His voice caught, as if he wanted to say something else but then he cleared his throat. “

I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Bye.” She pushed end on her phone and slipped it back into her purse, spinning her chair around to find Caleb still standing there, sorting through his letters.

“Was that lover boy?”

Irritation flashed through her along with a healthy dose of panic. Had she said Justin’s name anytime during the conversation? Had she dropped any leading clues that would make Caleb suspicious?

Damn his hide for spying on her conversation. Damn herself for not walking away when she’d taken the call.

“None of your business,” she said as haughtily as she could muster, tipping her nose in the air. She’d learned from the best after observing Zoe in action for so long and she hoped like hell she looked like a snobby bitch.

“Ha, well that’s a dead giveaway. Does he know you’re exposing all of your exploits in the magazine?”

“Of course,” she lied. “Do you tell your conquests what you’re doing?”

“Hell, no. First of all, there’s too many of them and they’d all start claiming they were the one I was writing about. Half the time I don’t even give them my real name.”

“You’re disgusting.” He was a total slime ball and even worse, he was proud of it.

“Yeah keep telling yourself that. You know you wouldn’t mind a piece of the action.” He paused and she wondered if a light bulb went on over his head. “Wouldn’t that make a kick ass article? Each of our perspectives on our one night together? I bet Zoe would love it.”

“Never going to happen, Caleb. I’m not interested.” No, not after she’d sampled Justin. She was afraid he’d ruined her for any other man.

“Please. Just a couple of weeks ago I caught you giving me the eye.”

Had she? She doubted it but once upon a time, she had found Caleb attractive. That would’ve been before the great column contest and the exposing of his true colors.

“I have never given you the eye. Must’ve been your overactive imagination.” She shook her head.

“Yeah, whatever. I’m still approaching Zoe with the idea. I bet I’ll eventually convince you to play along.” He smiled, a flash of blinding white teeth set against overly tanned skin. She’d bet money he went to the tanning salon and bleached his teeth on a regular basis. “I bet we could have a great time together.”