Page 19 of Indulgent Pleasures

Her smile grew. “Can you help me up? The carpet’s kind of thin and my knees are killing me.”

He took her hands and brought her to her feet, hauling her close so he could kiss her. He couldn’t stop kissing her, really. His cock swelled once more, unbelievable but true.

Just like that, he wanted her again. Though this time, he wanted to be inside her. And not some quick fuck either. He wanted to take his time and search her body, learn what she liked. Teach her what he liked.

“I’m starving,” she murmured against his hungry lips.

Justin paused and moved away from her. “Do you still want to go to dinner?”

A giggle escaped her and she nodded, looping her arms around his neck. “Aren’t you hungry? I had no idea orgasms gave a person such an appetite.”

His immediate plans for another go around just shifted. Not as if he could deny her anything, not after what she just did for him. “You still want to go to that Italian restaurant I told you about?”

“Mmm, yes.” Her sexy little murmur made his skin tingle and he kissed her yet one more time. Her tongue met his, slow and searching and delicious and he deepened the kiss, his arms tightening around her.

“If we keep this up we won’t leave,” she whispered after he broke the kiss to catch his breath.

“Sounds like a good idea to me.” Damn he had tunnel vision with this woman. Single-minded focus on getting inside her tight body and that was it.

“Justin.” Hearing her say his name made him pause and he withdrew, staring down at her pretty upturned face. Her cheeks were flushed pink, her lipstick long gone and he noticed a dark freckle dead center on her lower lip. “If you want me to keep up my strength you have to feed me. And I’m not talking those stale candy bars in the vending machine down in the lobby either.”

He chuckled and drew his thumb across her lower lip, lingering at the freckle in the center. Damn, her mouth was sexy. Even that freckle was sexy. “Then let’s go.”

She bit the tip of his thumb, the sensation of her teeth and tongue on his flesh making his heart rate spike. “Yes, let’s.”

* * *

The restaurant was small and cozy and Stephanie could tell it had been around for years. Photos lined the walls, most of them black and white, full of smiling family members, wait staff and celebrities.

She even spotted a photo of Justin standing with who she assumed was the owner. It must’ve been taken years ago. His face appeared younger, his body leaner though he was still just as handsome.

He sat across from her sipping a glass of red wine, the waiter questioning him about his injuries and the status of the Miners team without him. She listened covertly as she had been a little too embarrassed to question him about his career.

Embarrassed and now feeling more than a little guilty. If he knew she worked for City Magazine he would drop her so fast her head would spin. She’d Googled him while still at the office and discovered he rarely spoke to the media, that his past was shrouded in secrecy.

The last thing he’d want to do is see a reporter. Well, she wasn’t a reporter per se but still. He wouldn’t want to have anything to do with her, she just knew it.

Propping her elbow on the table, she rested her chin in her hand, listening to Justin as he still talked to the waiter. His expression somber, he talked of his team with great pride. It made her wonder just how upset he was, forced into early retirement. How extensive his injuries were though she knew briefly about them after reading an article regarding the accident.

The accident hadn’t been his fault. He’d been out riding on a two-lane highway back in the spring, when a car barreled down on him in his lane driving in the opposite direction. He’d had no choice but to swerve, flipping his brand new motorcycle so it landed right on his leg, nearly crushing his knee.

His already bum knee that had given him trouble for years. He’d been a done deal career-wise in one fateful moment.

The waiter finally left and Justin’s gaze met hers, sympathy etched all over his handsome face. “Sorry about that. I’ve been coming here for years and I haven’t been around lately. They’re eager to catch up with me.”

“It’s no problem.” No way would she admit she could sit and stare at him for hours. He was so gorgeous and it was still so unbelievable he was out with her. Little ol’ Stephanie Shaw, Ms Nobody. “Does it ever feel like everyone wants a piece of you?”

“Well yeah.” His eyes widened as if surprised by her question and he reached toward the middle of the table, grabbing a piece of warm garlic bread from the basket. “I mean, I understand. When you become a public figure, you have to be prepared for people acting as if they know you and that they’re able to just come up and approach you. I don’t mind most of the time, at least for the general public. I’m not a fan of the media though. They want to dig into my private life and make it public, scandalous even. There has to be some respect, a line drawn, you know?”

Her heart dropped to her toes. Talk about making his private life public. Of course, she was doing it anonymously but still. Her first article was all about the sex with a stranger fantasy. Her next article had already formed in her mind and the night wasn’t even over.

Oral sex was on the top five fantasies for men according to that national poll. She wasn’t one to normally enjoy giving a man a blow job but she’d physically craved the taste of Justin’s cock. And it hadn’t disappointed.

Plus that feeling of power, of how she could make such a strong man fall apart so easily just with her mouth and hands had been overwhelming in its intensity.

Sitting across from him now, so handsome and composed, so assured of his surroundings, no one would ever know she had him gasping and trembling only an hour ago as he’d come in her mouth.

“How was your salad?”