Page 102 of Indulgent Pleasures

Snuck out of his house naked and covered only by that jacket. And when she’d come back inside, he’d unzipped it slowly, enjoying the reveal of her lush, creamy flesh. And then he’d pounced on her, bending her over his couch and fucking her from behind where she stood.

Jesus, everything he saw, everything he did was somehow touched by Stephanie. She’d immersed herself so completely in his life and he never truly realized it until after she was gone.

She was still gone. A fact that made him sick to his stomach every single damn day that passed and she wasn’t by his side. After the initial phone call when she’d told him they’d never be able to work he became persistent. He’d called her every day, anxious to talk to her, eager to hear her voice. Trying desperately to wear her down.

That had been almost two weeks ago and she’d met with him once, just once. At a Starbucks not far from her apartment on a rainy Tuesday morning and he’d savored every single moment he’d sat across from her at a small table. She’d been beautiful as always but there were dark shadows smudging the delicate skin beneath her eyes and those very eyes had appeared haunted, sad.

Much like how he felt. Haunted by her and sad she wasn’t with him.

How much more did he have to go through before she finally realized he meant what he said? That he loved her more than anything in the world and he didn’t want anyone else? That he trusted her and needed her in his life?

Well, if everything went according to plan today, then this was the ultimate grand gesture. And if she still turned him down, he’d have to give up. Nothing could top what he planned.

Worry gnawed at his gut but he ignored it. He had no idea if she would appreciate putting their personal life so much on the line. But that had already been done for them, hadn’t it?

And instead of leaving it as a sordid, purely sexual coupling of two people hot for each other, he wanted to prove to the world there was more between him and Stephanie. There was more to their relationship than just hot sex in public locations.

Justin grimaced. He wanted to prove there was genuine love between them. And he wanted her in his life.

No matter what.

“I think you’re fuckin’ insane but hey, what do I know? I sure hope your lady likes it.” Assistant coach Rodney Tillman shook his head and spit a wad of chew onto the ground. “You fuckin’ rich boys wantin’ to impress your lady friends. I think you’re all a bunch of nuts.”

“You’re telling me your wife wouldn’t appreciate a grand gesture?” He’d met Carolyn Tillman before. She was an attractive woman who looked at Rodney as if he hung the moon and the stars.

“We’ve been married too many years. If I did something like you’re about to do, she’d ask me why I wasted so much money on a ring like that when we could’ve gone to Hawaii or bought a new car instead.” Tillman laughed and Justin laughed with him though his laughter was nervous, edgy.

“Well, I am doing it,” Justin said once the laughter died. “And I hope like hell Stephanie likes it.” The nerves climbed upwards, toward his throat and he swallowed hard, trying to push them down.

“If she’s a smart girl, she’ll like it. I’ve never seen you look at any woman like you looked at her that one time you brought her around,” Rodney admitted.

Justin was quiet as he watched the game unfold, the roar of the crowd almost deafening as yet again a Miner scored. He was off duty tonight. He’d asked for a temporary reprieve from his broadcasting job just for one evening while he went ahead with his big plan.

They’d gladly given him the night off, knowing that ratings would swing like crazy whether Stephanie voiced a positive or a negative answer. They’d practically rubbed their hands together in glee when he gave them a brief description of what he’d planned.

Damn, he really hoped this didn’t backfire. It sucked that she wasn’t actually here and in person when it went down but he’d talked to her roommate. Sia had actually been a big help, assuring him Stephanie would be home and by the phone when he made his call. And the TV would be on the game so she could watch it all unfold.

Everything was in place. And now it was up to him to set the plan into motion. He was living on faith Stephanie wouldn’t turn him down.

He didn’t know what he would do if she turned him down.

The seventh inning stretch was announced and the crowd yet again roared with enthusiasm, upbeat since the Miners were winning by a landslide. Tillman slapped Justin on the back, muttering a, “Go get ‘em, tiger,” and Justin headed out

onto the field, his cell phone clutched tightly in his hand.

It was do or die time. He was about to make the most important declaration in his life in the most public of venues. In a venue he’d called home for the past ten years.

The crowd cheered as he walked to the center of the field and he reached toward his neck, flicking the little mic clipped on his shirtfront on. When he called out a “can you hear me?” the crowd went wild, letting him know they could definitely hear him.

And now his moment to shine or go down in flames was about to begin.

* * *

“Sia, what are you doing? You never watch sports.” The sound of a baseball game echoed down the hall, filtering into Stephanie’s bedroom and she walked out into the living room to find her roommate sitting on the couch, completely absorbed in a playoff game.

A playoff game with the Miners involved.

“It’s the playoffs. I always like to watch the playoffs. Especially the Miners.” Sia shrugged and popped another Cheeto into her mouth, chewing noisily. “Want a beer?”