Page 11 of Indulgent Pleasures

Take that Zoe Rush. She was about to hit the big time.

* * *

“Back to your house, boss?” The glass partition was down and the driver glanced at Justin in the rearview mirror.

“Yeah, thanks Ollie.” Justin stared out the window, watching the passing streets flash by, the city lights brightening the back of the car in quick flickers.

Spotting something red and lacy on the floorboard, he reached for it and discovered it was Stephanie’s discarded and trashed panties.

Like a fucking pervert, he brought them to his face and breathed deep. Her heavenly scent filled his head and he sighed, wishing he would’ve asked her back to his place, a hotel, something.

But he never brought them back to his place. Hell, he rarely fucked them more than once. It wasn’t like him to get it on in the back of a car though. So hurried, so frantic to be inside her he’d lacked finesse and lost all control.

He never lost control. He was known for his calm and steady demeanor on the ball field and it had served him well throughout his entire career.

A career that was now in complete ashes. Dust in the wind. He had no fucking clue what to do next. Picking up random beautiful women and screwing them in the backseat of a car was no way to fill the void inside him.

No, in fact it o

nly seemed to make it worse.

Chapter Five

“I’m impressed.” Zoe threw the hard copy of Stephanie’s article onto her desk, a reluctant smile tilting her over Botoxed lips. “You need some hardcore editing but nothing that can’t be fixed. It’s going into the next issue.”

“You’re kidding.” Stephanie grabbed the article she’d turned in two days ago, her mouth hanging open in shock.

She’d thought Zoe would turn her down. Tell her to go take a flying leap after Stephanie had poured her very heart and soul into that article. Of course, she always thought her editor was going to turn her down. Writers were always full of self-doubt.

In the article she’d described how liberating it had been, having sex with a total stranger. How he’d made her feel desired and wanted. How handsome, charming and sexy the man was. How he’d known just how to touch her and just how to please her.

She’d used no names, of course. Zoe had agreed they post the article under another identity which was fine with Stephanie. Not as if she wanted her family and friends to know what she’d been up to lately.

“I’m not kidding. I like it, Steph.” Zoe was the only person who called her Steph. “This is no guarantee that you’ll get your column but I’m willing to give you another shot for a feature article if you keep the theme up.”

“Keep what theme up?” Stephanie stared at the red circles and slashes all over the paper, withholding the sigh that wanted to escape. There was no pleasing the managing editor at City Mag.

“The sexual fantasy theme. Whoever this guy was, he knew how to light your fire. That certainly comes across in your article. I think you need to go look him up again and indulge in some more fantasy fun.”

“But I—can’t. It was a one night stand, you know? It’s all a part of the sex with a stranger fantasy.” She wished she could look him up again. He’d haunted her dreams every night since they’d had sex in the Towncar.

God, how cheesy that they’d had sex in the car. Yet it had been the singular most spectacular sexual experience of her life.

And that had nothing to do with the back seat of a car and everything to do with the man who’d given her such a grand experience. Justin the mystery man.

“Well, that’s too bad. I’m sure he would be delicious fun if you let him dominate you or let’s say you two have sex in public.” Zoe smiled and let loose a rather wicked laugh. “Honey I haven’t seen you glow like this since you started here. Whatever that guy did, he did it good.”

“Dominate me?” Stephanie was still stuck on Zoe’s suggestions. She couldn’t imagine Justin trying to dominate her.

Or wait, maybe she could. Bossing her around, telling her what to do in bed, slapping her bare butt with the wide palm of his hand to make her behave.

She couldn’t believe it but her sex began to tingle just thinking about it. God, she really was depraved.

“Well, dominate you or whatever the other fantasies are. Or you could tap into the male fantasies. What were some of those again?”

“Role playing, oral sex and group sex, to name a few. The list goes on and on.”

Stephanie whirled around to find Caleb Whitmore standing in the cubicle next to hers, which happened to be where his desk was. She couldn’t stand the guy.