Page 98 of Indulgent Pleasures

She wouldn’t do it, didn’t want to go through the heartache of reliving it. Of thinking of Justin.

No way could she stay at City and face everyone, deal with the outcome of this situation. She needed to get out now and find something else.

Somewhere else where they won’t care if she looked like a raging, stupid slut who enjoyed blabbing.

“Thank you, I appreciate the offer.”

They stood and she did as well, more than ready to escape. She nodded and smiled politely at their pat wishes of good luck and again with the apologies. Then she ducked and ran, headed back to her desk so she could clean it out and get the heck out of there.

Luckily, one of the receptionists had a box at her desk and Stephanie snagged it, filling it with her personal items. Sadness seeped through her as she loaded up the box, not at leaving the job but at absolutely everything that had happened to her.

One minute she’d been on top of the world with the most perfect man who loved her. And the next he was telling her to get out, her sexual exploits were advertised for all of the Pacific Northwest to read and she’d quit her job.


After loading the box with her belongings and saying a few quick goodbyes, she left the office, walking briskly through the maze of halls to get to the bank of elevators on the south side of the building.

And ran smack dab into Caleb who was also carting a box full of stuff. Unlike her he was accompanied by a big, burly security guard with a stern expression on his face.

They were probably afraid he’d try and cause some trouble. Hence the escort.

“Well, well, well, look who we have here. The bitch who just cost me my job.” Caleb sneered.

The bodyguard moved to shut him up and Stephanie shook her head, wanting to hear what Caleb had to say.

Why she wanted to torture herself, she wasn’t sure.

“I didn’t cost you your job. You did that all by yourself. You and Zoe.”

Caleb looked mad enough to spit. “I should’ve never trusted that bitch either. Look where she got me after all of her promises? That’ll teach me to believe a word any woman has to say.”

His hatred for women was palpable and Stephanie shifted away, not wanting to get too close. “You need to take responsibility for your actions. You cost me my job and reputation too, you know.”

“Oh, fuck off. You were the one screwing the macho baseball player and not smart enough to tell the world all about it. Your romantic crappy articles make me want to puke.”

She started to walk away. She didn’t even acknowledge what he said. He didn’t deserve it.

“If you and that jock stay together, be prepared. I’m going to L.A. I’ve already landed a job there. We’ll be tailing your asses if you’re ever down south.”

“We broke up.” Why did she just say that? Would he feel bad? Would he even care?

Of course not. She didn’t know why she told him.

“Well isn’t that a shame?” He laughed. “You got what you deserve.”

This time Stephanie did walk away and she didn’t bother looking back, either. She hated Caleb, had never liked him and after what he did to her, she was smart not to like him.

The man sabotaged her relationship and her job. He had no scruples.

Most likely, Justin thought the same thing about her. And that hurt more than she cared to admit or even think about.

Tears pricked her eyes and she shook her head, trying to push past them. No use crying now. She’d cried her eyes out most of Sunday and all of Monday. She didn’t know she had that many tears to shed.

And all over a man. But not just any man, a man she fell in love with.

She was still in love with him, despite the fact that he hated her.

Did he really hate her? Was he so angry he never wanted to see her again? She couldn’t bl