Page 83 of Indulgent Pleasures

Stephanie nodded. “For work. He just started a new job. It includes lots of traveling.”

“Uh huh. You know, you’ve never told me what he does.” Zoe tapped the tip of her index finger against her pursed lips. Her gaze was sharp, her posture appeared as if she was ready to pounce and every little hair on Stephanie’s neck prickled.

“Um.” Her brain scrambled. Shit. She’d never thought Zoe or anyone would care enough to ask. “He’s a sales rep. A pharmaceutical rep.”

Zoe cocked a brow, disbelief clearly showing on her face.

Why would she react like that?

“Oh, really?” She drew her words out, shaking her head slowly and her lion’s mane of hair drifted back and forth across her shoulders. “So Mister Passionate Lover Who Rocks Your World is a pill pusher?”

“Um, yes.” Stephanie nodded, ignoring Zoe’s strange looks. Why she wouldn’t believe her, she really didn’t know. She didn’t want to know. “He’s very good at what he does.”

“I’m sure.” Zoe actually laughed, the sound echoing in the close confines of her office. “Are you going to see him this weekend? Your perfect, can’t do wrong boyfriend?”

“Yes I am,” Stephanie admitted reluctantly.

“Well you two have oodles of fun. Don’t get in too much trouble.” Zoe waggled her fingers at Stephanie and then turned her attention back to her monitor, a clear dismissal.

Stephanie sighed and left the office, confusion clouding her brain. It made her question Zoe’s behavior, the way her boss had talked to her.

What the hell was that woman up to? And why did it seem as if she didn’t believe a word Stephanie said? It made no sense.

And right now, Stephanie couldn’t work up the proper amount of worrying to really care what Zoe thought. Already Zoe was a long lost memory, just like that. She was too focused on Justin.

And what he would do to her when she got to New York.

* * *

“You’ll be so proud. I got the scoop!” Zoe clapped her hands together and let forth a cackling laugh. She was so pleased she could hardly contain herself.

“Scoop on what?” Caleb glared at her, clearly irritated.

She’d called him into her office after talking to Stephanie and she noticed he didn’t turn the lock when she’d asked him to close the door.

Unfortunate. She guessed he wasn’t in the mood to play.

“Stephanie. She asked for Friday off because she’s going to see her boyfriend.”

“How do you know?” Caleb glowered and settled into the chair that sat across from her desk.

“Because I asked what she was up to. Then I questioned her on what he did for a living and she said he was a pharmaceutical sales rep. Isn’t that hilarious?” When he didn’t laugh or respond Zoe plowed on. “She’s going to visit him wherever he is, said he’s traveling all the time and she doesn’t get to see him very often.”

“Big deal. She really didn’t tell you anything.” Caleb appeared ready to stand but Zoe pinned him with a look.

A look that said, don’t move motherfucker. She’d worked on that look for a long ass time and had used it quite a few times on random employees for years.

“I did a little research after she left my office. Justin Hawkins is in New York right now following a game. And I’ll bet you anything that our Stephanie is headed to New York this Friday morning.”

Caleb settled back in his chair, interest now written all over his face. “Are you serious?”

“As a heart attack.” Zoe nodded. “I can work out a budget and fly us to New York for the weekend on City’s dime. What do you think?”

“Hell yeah, I’m interested. But how do we know where they are?”

“I have c

onnections.” She had lots of connections, resources she could contact and ask. People who knew the names of hotels where rich and famous sports figures stayed while they were in town working.