Page 82 of Indulgent Pleasures

“You there, babe? I guess I should let you go. It’s late here and I have an early morning.”

“I’m sorry I kept you up.”

He laughed, the sound reaching across the phone lines, across the country and touching her, making her warm. “Baby, I don’t regret what just happened, trust me. It was well worth the lack of sleep.”

“I can’t wait to see you,” she admitted, her voice small.

Justin sobered. “Me either. I’ll call you tomorrow with flight information. I want to get you here as soon as possible.”

“Maybe I could take Friday off.”

“Try and see. That would work out perfect.”

“Will you show me the sights?”

“If I can resist the urge to fuck you for hours, I’ll try.”

Stephanie could hardly wait.

Chapter Twenty-Six

“Phone sex is always hot. Good work.” Zoe smiled at Stephanie when she glanced up from her gigantic flat panel monitor. It was about the size of Stephanie’s TV at home. “Your last article was perfect.”

“Thank you.” Stephanie paced Zoe’s office, glancing at the pictures on the wall. She’d never really noticed them before. “Are you sure I’m ending it right?”

“Well, yeah, you state you’re willing to work on a long term relationship with your perfect man and the two of you plan on riding into the sunset toward your happily ever after. Your readers will eat it up with a giant fucking spoon.”

She’d planned on writing the article about the night Justin had tied her up but it had felt too personal, too intimate.

After they’d engaged in the quickie phone sex session, she’d been struck with a flash of inspiration. It was light and easy, didn’t feel too personal when she didn’t focus on what exactly was discussed between them and the story had flowed effortlessly from her fingertips. She’d stayed up for well over an hour, her fingers flying over the keyboard, her mind humming with the rhythm of the story.

Thank goodness, Zoe liked it. Now she was finally done, finished with her obligations. Caleb could take the column and run with it. Make it as dirty as he wanted to, the sick bastard.

“Caleb’s excited to take the column over,” Zoe said as if she could read Stephanie’s mind.

“I’m sure,” Stephanie replied drolly, stopping in the center of the room to turn and look at Zoe. “He’s going to do a wonderful job.”

“I hope.” Something odd flickered in Zoe’s eyes and Stephanie’s brows drew together in curiosity. Her boss hadn’t acted normal for days. She wondered what was wrong.

“So, um, Zoe, I was wondering if I could take Friday off? Would that be a problem?” Justin had already assumed she would have Friday off and booked her flight to leave extra early that morning.

Zoe nodded, her gaze flickering back to her monitor. “Sure, go for it though that’s your last day with me. You deserve some time off.” She paused, her gaze once again meeting Stephanie’s. “I’ll miss you Steph, when you go back to the home and style department. I hope it’s the right choice for you.”

“Uh, I’ll miss you too, Zoe.” She meant it. Yes, Zoe had driven her crazy numerous times but lately, they’d gotten along. Even though she was a little over the top, Stephanie genuinely liked her almost-former boss.

“You did good work. I admit I’m sad you’re not staying with me and I rarely feel that way when I lose someone from my staff. I think you’re a wonderful, talented writer.”

“Aw, thank you. I appreciate that.” Stephanie rested her hand over her chest, touched by Zoe’s unexpected sweet words.

“You still with your perfect man?” Zoe’s mouth twisted to the side, as it usually did when she was asking a question.

“I am.” Stephanie felt a glow sweep over her entire body and she smiled, trying to repress the shiver that wanted to take over.

“He must be really special.”

“Oh, he is.”

“And out of town?”