Page 75 of Indulgent Pleasures

“You want more?” He licked her yet again, his tongue doing a thorough search of her pussy.

“No!” He stopped at her sharp tone and she tried to relax. “I mean, I want you. I can’t take the teasing anymore. I need you inside me.”

“All in good time, baby.” He gave one more languid lick to her clit. “All in good time.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

Stephanie strode into Zoe’s office without bothering to knock and her boss glanced up when she entered, her eyes wide with surprise.

“Steph, what’s going on? Are you okay?”

Stephanie plopped into a chair opposite Zoe’s desk and shook her head. “I want out. I want to go back to the life and style department. I can’t write the column anymore.”

Zoe’s lips parted, her eyes widening. “What are you talking about? Your articles are more popular than ever. That last one about role playing has been huge. The company inbox exploded, the mailroom exploded. It’s all anyone talks about.”

“I don’t care, I can’t do it anymore.” Stephanie crossed her arms in front of her, trying to appear strong. Firm. Hoping like hell she could do this.

“Stephanie.” Zoe stood and came from around her desk, her face a study in earnest sympathy. Heck, she even reached out and rubbed Stephanie’s arm in comfort. “Are you panicking, afraid someone might figure out who you really are? Because I can assure you that won’t ever happen. Your identity is a complete secret, trust me.”

“I know, I believe you but that’s not my problem. I can’t do this anymore, I can’t put these moments I’m sharing with this man on public display.”

Because they mean something, damn it. Because I’m halfway in love with him and I can’t do this to what we have.

“It’s still the same guy. The perfect, unbelievable guy.”

Stephanie gave a short nod, resentment filling her that Zoe called Justin unbelievable.

Though she’d thought him unbelievable more than once, yes he’d proved to her he was that good of a man.

And Stephanie had finally wised up, realized she couldn’t let that kind of man get away. Not one who was so perfect for her.

“You’re in love with him.” Zoe’s tone was flat, her face expressionless.

Stephanie gave a little shrug. “It’s gotten serious. It doesn’t feel right, sharing these intimate details with so many people.”

“Does he know you’re writing the column?”

“No.” Stephanie sighed. She should’ve told him. She’d had ample opportunity but she’d chickened out every single time.

“Ah.” Zoe clucked her tongue. “So you feel dishonest. As if you’re hiding something from him.”

“I am dishonest. I am hiding something from him. And I can’t do it anymore, Zoe. I’m resigning from the column, give it all to Caleb. I want to be reassigned back to my old position.” Stephanie blinked once, twice, trying to stop the tears that threatened to fall.

“Look, I don’t want to lose you. I think you’re talented, a fabulous writer. Your words, your articles bring forth so much emotion and you touch people, Steph. That’s why you get such a huge response.”

“It’s too personal, sharing everything that happens between us in bed. I have to keep some things sacred you know.” Besides, the shit would hit the fan if Justin found what she was doing. If she quit now then he’d never be the wiser.

Dishonest, yes, but at least she wouldn’t keep on fooling him.

“Write one more article.”

Stephanie’s brows drew together. “What?”

“You heard me. One more article. That’s all I ask. Give me one more article, we’ll wish you bon voyage in the column and then it’s over. What do you say?” Zoe smiled, her lips stretching, her extra white teeth nearly blinding her.

“I—I’ll have to think about it.”

“No thinking, I need an answer now.” Zoe slapped the edge of the desk with the palm of her hand. “Come on, Steph, you know you want one last hurrah. Don’t leave your fans hanging, let them know what’s going on. Hell, tell them you fell in love and found your happily ever after. People will eat that shit up.”