Page 66 of Indulgent Pleasures

“I’m not getting played.” Stephanie tilted her chin, indignant. “I know exactly what and who I’m dealing with. He’s a good guy. They do exist, you know.”

“No, they really don’t but go ahead and keep fooling yourself. Whatever works for you, ya know?”

She turned her chair so her back was to him. What a baby, all pissed off and stomping mad over Zoe’s decision. He needed to grow a freaking pair.

But his words niggled at her, lingering in the back of her mind the entire afternoon as she worked.

What if Justin really was playing her? What if he wasn’t as perfect as he seemed? Okay, she knew no one was as perfect as they seemed in the beginning of a relationship but what if he was really and truly a dog like—heaven forbid—Caleb?

No, no one was as bad as Caleb. She could reassure herself with that fact, at least.

Her cell rang just before five and she grabbed it, her heart skipping a beat when she saw who it was via caller ID. Glancing about, she saw Caleb sitting at his desk but he didn’t seem to be paying any attention to her.


“Hey, I was just thinking about you,” she greeted softly, not wanting Caleb to eavesdrop.

“All good things I hope.” Justin’s deep voice washed over her, making her skin tingle.

“Always. How are you? How’s your knee?”

“Better, much better. The doctor came by earlier and said I’d made a lot of improvement really fast. I told him I had an excellent nurse.”

She laughed. “I’m sure. I hope you didn’t spill all of the details.”

“Never. Those are mine to think about and mine alone.” He paused and she couldn’t help but secretly thrill at his words. The man had a way of saying things that made her feel so good. About herself and how he felt about her.

“What are you doing right now?”

“Working.” She glanced at the clock on her monitor. “Though I’m almost finished for the day.”

“I’d like to see you tonight if you’re not busy.” He paused. “If you don’t mind.”

It had been only two days since she last saw him. The time in between was getting shorter and shorter.

“Of course I want to see you. What did you have in mind?”

“Well, I was hoping you wouldn’t mind making the trek out to my house. Unless you want me to come and see you, though I know you have a roommate.”

“Yeah, no way would you want to come to my place trust me.” She didn’t want him there anyway. Didn’t want her bitchy roommate to find out who she was

secretly seeing. She also didn’t want him to see her dingy, small apartment. Compared to his beautiful house it put her place to shame.

“Do you mind coming out here then? I could order a pizza or something.”

“You eat pizza?” With his body and the way he worked out, or the way he used to really work out, she was surprised.

“I have no reason to deny myself. And yeah, I eat pizza. Why would you think I didn’t?”

“I don’t know, the fact that you’re a superstar stud who used to put yourself through rigorous training to maintain the physique you have?” And what a physique it was.

“I’m not a superstar stud by any means anymore, Stephanie. You know this.” He sounded more than a little frustrated and she wished she’d never brought it up.

He was awfully sensitive about the subject. Not that she could blame him.

“Forget I even said it, I’m sorry.” She waved her hand in front of her as if she could wave it all away. “Yes, I’ll come out and see you and have dinner with you.”

“My doctor took me off bed rest.” His voice was full of promise.