Page 54 of Indulgent Pleasures

No, more like she distracted him and he forgot everything but her. What she felt like, what she tasted like. He’d become careless, not taking care of himself as well as he should’ve and now he was paying the price.

By Saturday night, he’d been in so much pain he couldn’t take it anymore. Luckily he’d been able to contact one of the Miners’ team doctors and he’d come right out to check on Justin. And then the doc had promptly delivered all the bad news.

Reluctantly Justin had agreed with him. He didn’t need to screw up his body any more. It was already screwed up enough. And he hated feeling like a complete invalid. It brought him back to the time of the accident and those first few days in the hospital. When the doctor and his coach had come into his room together and given him the bad news.

Unfortunately, you’ll never be able to play again. We’re so sorry, Hawk.

Those remembered words from his coach, the shine of tears in his eyes had devastated Justin. It was a moment he didn’t like to remember.

Yet it was always right there, lingering in the back of his mind.

His biggest problem was the way he acted whenever Stephanie was around. He forgot everything and became too distracted by her. And now he suffered for it.

He’d tried to be strong, tried to resist her, but when she asked if she could come see him and offered to take care of him, he’d grown weak and agreed. When was the last time someone had wanted to take care of him? Since his grandmother when he was young? But once he hit a certain age, he’d turned into the caregiver, doing everything he could to make sure his frail grandma was okay.

Doctors had taken care of him but they didn’t count. His coaches had taken care of him too but hell, they really didn’t count either. They were all just doing their job.

When was the last time a woman had wanted to take care of him? And he’d actually let her? He honestly didn’t think it had ever happened.

So he should enjoy this, let Stephanie pamper him and make sure he was comfortable. It sounded as if she wanted to cook him a meal, indulge him a bit and by all means, he was going to let her.

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a home cooked meal made just for him.

Maybe if he spent more time with Stephanie doing non-sexual things he could regain some sort of control. At least of his cock since it seemed to have a mind of its own every time she came around. It was ridiculous, downright embarrassing how out of control he became. Like a wild animal with one purpose only.

To get inside of her sweet little body as quickly as possible.

She’d called a while ago and said she was on her way and he figured she had to be close now. The second he’d got off the phone, he’d limped to the front door and unlocked it so she could walk right in.

That way she didn’t have to see exactly how bad it was. He could barely stand to look at his swollen knee. Stephanie would probably run screaming if she took one look at that thing.

Just a couple of days and hopefully the water retention would drain and the swelling would go down. Then he could resume his normal activities, head back to physical therapy and get into the best physical shape possible. He had a future job in the works and he needed to be in top condition.

Curt was still in negotiations with the network, hammering out the logistics and the terms of their new agreement. Justin didn’t want to sign anything that would lock him in until he tried out the gig to see if he even liked it.

It sounded ideal but he wanted to make sure this was the new career for him.

The doorbell sounded and a few seconds later he heard the door open, Stephanie’s sweet voice calling hello. His cock did a little happy dance at the first sound of her voice and he grimaced, reaching beneath the sheets and adjusting his jersey shorts.

Fuck, he was ridiculous. There would be no dirty deeds going down tonight. He was in too much pain and he had no business putting himself through strenuous acrobatics just to get some.

Right now, it really wasn’t worth it.

Justin frowned. He could hardly believe he even thought that.

“Hi,” Stephanie greeted when she finally walked into his bedroom, a little smile curving her lush lips. She went to him and pressed a quick kiss to his forehead. “How are you feeling?”

He was feeling embarrassed but he didn’t want to admit it. It was strange having her here, almost too personal. That she wanted to take care of him still took him aback.

“I’m all right.” He shrugged. “Knee’s killing me but I’ll survive. I’ve survived worse.”

That last statement hung in the air between them and he wished he could take it

back. Hell, yes he’d survived worse. The accident that had nearly claimed his life, the entire reason he lay there in his bed miserable and in so much pain.

Amazing how a life could change in the blink of an eye.

She forced a smile but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. No, her eyes were full of sympathy. Like she might feel sorry for him.