She gasped, and he gentled his grip on her waist and stroked along her lush bottom. “Did I hurt you?”

“N-no.” Her cheeks flushed, her forehead misted with sweat, Julia shook her head. “It’s been so long.”

“I did hurt you.” Regret swamped him, and he smoothed his hands all over her body, wanting to make it better. “I apologize.”

“Garrett.” She held his face between her palms and leaned down to drop the sweetest kiss on his lips, making them tingle. “It doesn’t hurt. I just feel so…full.”

She was. Absolutely stuffed with him. Her tight, hot inner muscles clutched him in a firm grip, so firm he thought he might die from the pleasure. Her movements were slightly awkward as she rose and slid back down, trying to find her rhythm. He guided her, resting his hands on her slender waist and drawing her up and down. Faster and faster, not wasting any time, ready to explode inside her, fill her completely with his seed.

Worry lingered within, but he pushed past it. He should pull out, not come inside her. Illegitimate brats were a liability, and he certainly didn’t want to be saddled down. Not now.

Maybe not ever.

“Garrett.” She whispered his name, and the sound of her sweet, rasping voice drove him on. He increased his thrusts, his climax creeping up on him until finally he came in a great, shuddering rush of pleasure. His seed splashed deep inside her, but he couldn’t regret it.

Being with her was too damn good, despite the consequences.

Chapter Three

Lady Renwick’s townhome was modest and sparsely decorated. The furniture wasn’t grand, and neither were the few paintings that hung on the walls. The wallpaper was rather plain and nondescript. There were no fresh flowers in large vases, no servants rushing to greet them, though she did inform him she had both a cook and a lady’s maid who attended to her needs.

Before they stepped out of the carriage, she divulged that her butler was a crotchety old sort who had come back to her when he realized he didn’t particularly enjoy working for the new Viscount Renwick. He was most likely asleep, which surprised him, since most people demanded their butlers remain on duty until they arrived home, but she didn’t seem to mind.

Garrett found that fact rather revealing. Of what, though, he wasn’t quite sure.

He was thankful she was no longer embarrassed over what they’d shared in the carriage. His body still vibrated from his earlier orgasm, and he was anxious to escort her to her room, take off that damnable gown and make love to her properly. Show her what she’d been missing all these years.

Her husband had been most remiss to not share with her all the earthly delights a man and woman could enjoy, not that the old man would have known how to pleasure a sensuous woman such as Julia. Garrett couldn’t wait to be the one to show her. Teach her. From her earlier performance, he believed she would be a most apt pupil.

“Where is your bedchamber?” He didn’t wish to be coy, much preferring bluntness. They’d come this far. He’d already had his fingers, his cock inside her responsive body. If she balked, his disappointment would be acute.

“Upstairs.” She nodded toward the stairway, and her gaze met his briefly before it dropped. As shy and uncertain as she was, he wanted to reassure her. He stepped closer and took her hand in his.

“Shall we go to your bedchamber?” He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles, trailing his lips across her skin. She curled her fingers tightly about his and offered a jerky nod.

Garrett trailed after her, admiring the gentle sway of her hips, the shift of the silk fabric of her dress. Her waist was nipped in, her back straight and firm, her shoulders balanced. Her posture was perfect, her neck as elegant as a swan’s, though her coiffure was a mess. All because he’d had his hands in her hair during their illicit encounter

in the carriage, tangling his fingers in the elaborate curls and tugging pins out without a care.

An encounter he wouldn’t soon forget, if ever.

She glanced over her shoulder at him, as if making sure he was there, and he smiled. She looked away, hurried her steps, and he followed suit. Rushed after her until she paused at a door and threw it open with a quick twist of her wrist.

“This is my bedchamber.” He didn’t pay attention to the interior besides a flickering glance toward the bed. It was large, beautifully made, but he didn’t care.

All he cared about was her. Making sure she was comfortable, as eager as he was for them to be together once more. He went to her, gathered her in his arms and yanked her close. She gasped, rested her hands against his chest like she might stop him but slowly relaxed, fairly melting in his embrace.

“You want me again? So soon?” No doubt she felt his burgeoning erection. It was damn insistent where she was concerned.

He laughed, trailing his hand down her back, along her rounded buttocks. “Yes.”

“Oh.” She grasped his lapels and pushed them back. He allowed her to take off his jacket, remaining still with the exception of a subtle shrug. She pushed the black jacket down his arms, and he shook it off until it fell to the floor.

She went to work on the buttons of his waistcoat next, nimbly undoing them. Excitement built within him, and he was impressed with her boldness, her lack of hesitation. Her daring behavior surprised him. Pleased him.

“I have never undressed a man before.” Lifting her lids, she revealed her unsure gaze. “Do you mind that I’m doing so?”

“I encourage it.” She removed his waistcoat, let it fall in a heap on top of his jacket, then attacked his cravat, her fingers fumbling over the intricate knots. “Allow me.”