Despite her earlier dismay, she loved hearing him talk, the scandalous words he said. Her body responded as if she had no control to his touch, his voice, and already she was close. So close, so easy it would be to fall off that edge and let the waves of pleasure sweep her away. It had been a long time since she’d climaxed, and she wished for it. She strove toward her peak with her every breath, every assured stroke of his fingers until she tumbled headfirst into pure bliss. The waves crashed over her again and again, and she shuddered, her inner walls clamping around his still-thrusting fingers, trying to keep them there as she cried out.

“Oh.” Tremors moved through her, though they grew less intense as her climax eased, and a keen disappointment pierced her when she realized what she’d done. She’d wanted the night to last forever, wanted to draw it out till the last possible moment, and already she’d climaxed.

“You sound disappointed.” Amusement laced his voice as he glanced up. His fingers remained inside her body, curling and dragging along her wet flesh, and she shivered at the sensations he managed to draw forth.

“I…I climaxed.” She sank her teeth into her lower lip. In her past experiences, she’d been lucky to achieve one climax, usually none, and it took much longer than what she’d just experienced.

Garrett smiled, and he looked rather pleased that he was the sole reason for her body’s easy capitulation. “I saw that.”

“But I climaxed too early.”

He furrowed his brow and frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Well, that’s it. I usually only climax…once.” If ever.

He laughed, a rich sound that slid down her spine and spread tingling warmth all over her. “Oh, sweetheart, do I have plenty to teach you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Come here,” he encouraged, and she fell into his kiss so easily she should be ashamed. But she wasn’t. “I plan on making you come many times,” he whispered against her lips, licking at the corner of her mouth.

“You can do that? I can do that?”

“Men aren’t as fortunate as ladies, but yes, you can come multiple times in one night.” He kissed her hungrily, stealing her breath, her dazed thoughts at his delicious words. “And I vow that when this night is finished, you will have come so often your throat will be raw from your screams.”

Garrett meant every damn word. God, the way she’d fallen apart in his arms so quickly, amazed him. His cock had turned to absolute stone at the sight of her, beautiful and lost in rapture, and how responsive she’d been to his touch.

He’d planned on taking it slow and drawing it out, but he was too caught up in this…whatever it was. Incessant need, desperate want—it pounded in his veins, throbbed in his cock, and he reached for her hand and settled it over his tented breeches. He needed her to feel what she did to him.

“Touch me.”

Julia did as he asked, fully focused on sliding her hand up and down his covered cock. She traced his length with her index finger, as if memorizing the feel of him, and he growled, startling her.

“Pull me out,” he commanded like a domineering ass, yet unable to control himself. “Do it, Julia.”

She fumbled with the fastenings of his trousers until he came to her assistance, breathing a sigh of relief when she slipped her fingers inside and drew him out. He swore he was harder than he’d ever been in his life, his erect cock reaching nearly to his navel, and her eyes widened.

“You’re huge.” Her voice rang with apprehension, and he placed his hand over hers, giving it a brief squeeze before releasing it.

“It’ll fit, trust me.” The last word died on his lips when she curled her fingers about him and stroked. She circled her thumb around the crown, streaked across the top, smearing the drop of liquid all over the straining head.

Driving him absolutely mad.

“Do you like that?” She lifted her lids, her velvety brown gaze meeting his, and he nodded.

“Yes,” he choked out.

“Hard and soft,” she whispered, almost to herself. “Such a contrast.”

“Slide your body over me.”


“I want to be inside you, Julia. I need to be inside you.” He tightened his hands about her waist and lifted her so her body hovered above his erect cock. “Let me in, sweetheart.”

He left it to her; it was all up to her. She sank her teeth into her plump lower lip again, hesitating. God, if he didn’t get inside her, he was going to embarrass himself by coming all over her pretty skirts.

Rising onto her knees, she gripped him and slowly lowered her body. She guided him toward her welcoming passage until the head of his cock was just inside her, and he gripped her hips and slid her down his length with one quick tug until he was fully seated.