How he’d attacked her, filled her, made her come so hard she’d seen stars. A promise shone in those eyes. How he’d take her back to her townhome and do it all over again. Throughout the night, as if he couldn’t get enough of her.

“I’m doing quite well, Sir Reginald. And you?” Garrett asked, sliding his gaze to Sir Reginald for the briefest moment before returning to her.

“Fine, fine, I must say, though, Lady Renwick begged off dancing. I must’ve stepped on her toes one too many times, I’m afraid. My apologies, my lady.”

“Having trouble this evening, Lady Renwick?” The amusement lacing Garrett’s tone made her smile. How he teased.

And how she loved it.

“Oh, it’s not Sir Reginald’s fault. I find myself rather…uncoordinated tonight.”

“When you have…danced with me in the past, I’ve noticed you’re quite confident in your movements.”

Oh, the devil. He certainly wasn’t referring to anything as mundane as dancing.

“I blame my lack of skill on tiredness. I’ve been rather busy lately.”

“Is that so?” A dark brow cocked, a look she’d seen before, sometimes late at night while lying abed with him, and she quite simply adored it. “What’s keeping you so busy?”

“The whirlwind of the social season, if you must know.” She gratefully accepted the glass of punch that appeared in Sir Reginald’s hand, and took a long drink to wet her dry throat.

“Well, that’s all about to come to an end, and soon now, isn’t it?” When she didn’t reply, Garrett forged on. “And what shall you be doing to entertain yourself once it’s over?”

His question hurt, though he wouldn’t know it. Just the thought of their affair ending made her incredibly lonely. “I don’t have any plans.”

“You should visit me at my country estate.” His smoldering gaze heated her from within. “I shall be hosting an endless stream of guests throughout the summer, and I would enjoy having you in attendance.”

“I’m sure you’ll be much too busy to entertain me.” Her voice had gone soft, her gaze dropping to the glass cup in her hand. She sensed Sir Reginald observing their conversation much like a spectator at a tennis match, his head bobbing back and forth, and she felt foolish. Putting on a public show where Sir Reginald could guess their secret affair with ease if he just paid rapt attention to the veiled implications in their words.

“I am never too busy for you, my lady.” Garrett took a step forward, his brow furrowed, his expression serious. So very, very serious. “Say yes.”

Her lips parted, and she shot a quick glance in Sir Reginald’s direction. He watched the entire conversation unfold with a sort of bewildered look. Even the debutantes had stepped back, too wrapped up in their silly conversation to pay any mind.

Which was perfectly fine with her.

Her voice seemed to have disappeared. She cleared her throat and took a sip of the last of the too-sweet punch. Garrett waited expectantly, looking like an animal ready to pounce, and finally she found her voice.


Chapter Five

Garrett approached Julia’s front door, grim determination not letting his steps falter. The sun shone hot upon him, and the hat he wore made him sweat. He wished he could swipe it off.

But no, he was making a call on the good Lady Renwick correctly, and he wanted to look the part. He could take the hat off once he’d stepped inside.

If she even let him inside. If she was even at home.

He knocked on the door and waited, clutching his hands behind his back. Looking every inch the proper gentleman in the rich brown suit he wore to make especially important afternoon calls.

Such as this one.

The door opened slowly, and the crotchety old butler scowled. “What do you want?” he asked.

The man was insolent and beyond rude, but for whatever reason, Julia found him charming. Garrett would’ve fired the old man, Hicks, in an instant if he’d had his choice. “I am here to see Lady Renwick.”

“And who shall I say is calling?”

Garrett gritted his teeth. Hicks knew who he was, and offered his unspoken but obvious disapproval of him every chance he got. “The Earl of Bedingfield.” You old coot.