“I don’t want you to forget it.” He drew her into his arms, stroking his fingers down her back. “When you’re dancing and laughing and talking with all of those men who want you, remember who just made you come, who just made you scream.”

She quivered at the sincerity of his tone, the wickedness of his words. She could never forget who had brought forth such emotion in her. He was the only one who could make her feel this way. He touched her, and she immediately wanted him. He looked at her, and she grew damp between her legs. He kissed her, and she wanted the kisses to never, ever stop.

She was in so deep she didn’t know how to get out.

“Go.” He released her, and she stepped away, confused. “Go first, and I shall follow you in a few minutes.”

Without another word she fled the room, desperate to control her racing heart, to find some bit of composure. Normally after such an intense climax, she’d be loose and relaxed, but her entire body felt rattled, tense. Something was wrong with Garrett. He’d seemed terribly angry and unusually possessive. She’d never seen him in such a state.

Perhaps he needed a moment alone. She needed much the same. A bit of solitary time to mull over everything that had happened between her and Garrett these past two weeks.

So much had happened, all of it wondrous, unforgettable. She’d thought she knew him well, but spending such…intimate nights with him made her realize she didn’t know him at all. And what she’d discovered, she very much approved of. He was thoughtful and kind. Funny, for he enjoyed making her laugh, often tickling her until she collapsed on the bed in a fit of giggles from his wandering hands.

And then those competent hands would wander to forbidden places, stroking her just so, halting her laughter. Turning her giggles into moans while he brought her insurmountable pleasure.

Her head spun, and she paused in the corridor, desperate to gather her bearings. It wouldn’t do, walking among society with her flushed face and trembling body, all aflutter over what Garrett just did to her. Pressing her palms to her cheeks, she tried to cool her heated skin. The man twisted her up in knots.

Knots she never wanted to unravel.

Feeling composed, Julia reentered the ballroom and was immediately greeted by Sir Reginald, who took her hand. He led her to the dance floor, and she let him, feeling as if she were in a trance.

How could he do this to her, make her feel so…unsettled? She glanced about the room, looking for any glimpse of Garrett, but he was nowhere to be found.

Disappointment filled her yet again, and she smiled up at Sir Reginald when she realized he was speaking to her. But she had no idea what he’d said, and she didn’t much care. She knew she was being rude, but she didn’t want to dance with him or talk to him.

She wanted Garrett.

Finally she saw him, watched covetously as he sauntered back into the ballroom, dashingly handsome as ever. When he grinned at a woman and dipped to kiss her proffered hand, Julia was overcome by jealousy so thick and overwhelming she saw red.

“Lady Renwick, are you quite all right? You seem…tense.”

She jerked her gaze back to Sir Reginald. “Yes, of course. I’m just…concentrating on my steps. I feel rather clumsy tonight.”

“Well, you always dance divinely if you ask me.” He smiled at her, obviously flirting. If this had happened only a month ago, she might’ve been thrilled.

Now it didn’t matter. Not if she wasn’t flirting with Garrett.

Curse the man for ruining her for any other.

Julia returned Sir Reginald’s smile and let her gaze drift once more to Garrett. He’d moved on and was surrounded by a crush of fresh-faced debutantes clad in pastel-colored gowns that were the very height of fashion, every single one whom was vying for his attention. Fawning over him as they cooed and complimented him in gratingly high-pitched voices.

She wanted to murder them all.

Stumbling, she tripped over her feet, and Sir Reginald righted her, his grip firm. “Are you sure you’re all right, my lady? I’m afraid I almost stepped on your foot.”

“Oh, Sir Reginald, it’s no use. I’m not much in the mood for dancing at the moment.” Not when the man she wanted was surrounded by his own personal harem.

He stopped, as did she, and the swirling dancers continued around them. “Perhaps a visit to the refreshment table, then? I would be more than happy to accompany you.”

“That sounds perfectly delightful.” He took her arm and led her to the refreshment table where many congregated, including Garrett and his bevy of young ladies.

“Sir Reginald,” he said in that delicious, deep voice when they approached. The sound of it sent a thrill down her spine. “Lady Renwick. A pleasure to see you both this evening.”

“Lord Bedingfield, how are you, old chap?” Sir Reginald clapped Garrett on the back in a hearty greeting, but Garrett didn’t even look at him.

He only had eyes for her.

Her skin warmed, and the jealousy that had gripped her ebbed away. Even swarmed by a gob of lovely young ladies all murmuring his name, he didn’t notice them. His focus was solely on her. His heated eyes seeming to communicate with her what they’d just shared in the dark little library.