From the sudden tilt of her chin, she knew what he wanted.

After handing his empty glass to a servant who wandered past, he turned and pushed through the crowd, ignoring those who called his name, for there were many. Friends of his or the mothers who wanted to introduce him to their debutante daughters before the season ended in two days.

This…indulgence he was having with Julia would soon end. She’d made a whispered declaration to him one night while lying in bed. She’d been snuggled close in his arms after a particularly satisfying bout of lovemaking, and he hadn’t protested. Too enthralled with the silkiness of her skin, how her body fit so perfectly lying next to his.

Now he wondered if he’d made a mistake by letting her think he didn’t care about her beyond the occasional dalliance, which was their original agreement. Perhaps he should’ve told her how his feelings for her had grown. She thought their age difference was a hindrance, but he didn’t care. Hell, she made him careless. He always took great pains to ensure he didn’t climax inside a woman’s body. His mother would drop dead if he announced the impending arrival of his bastard child.

With Julia, he came inside her every single time, couldn’t imagine not doing so. And if she got with child, he’d marry her. Could only imagine what a fine mother she would make.

His need for her knew no bounds. He went to her every single night. They’d been together for a solid fortnight, staying up until all hours of the morning, naked. In bed. Against the wall, in her bathtub, in his carriage, on the floor, in a chair.


He strode into the hall and stopped at the first door he came upon, before opening it to discover a darkened library. The room smelled musty, the scent of old books lingered in the air and he left the door cracked, hopeful she’d discover where he was. He’d done it before; they’d done this before. Sneaking away from the other guests and fucking like mad, hidden away in another room where anyone could walk in on them at any given moment, but he didn’t care.

The need to be constantly inside her, possessing her—it wouldn’t leave him. She was a fire in his blood. He didn’t know what he’d do without her.

He shuddered and perished the thought.

Within moments she slipped inside and carefully shut the door behind her. He rushed toward her and pinned her between the door and his body with her back to his front. Her plump bottom brushed against his groin, and she cast a small smile over her shoulder.

“Couldn’t wait? I thought we were meeting at my house after the ball.”

“I couldn’t wait.” He breathed deeply of her scent, and her silky hair tickled his face. Bending toward her, he kissed and licked her nape, knowing it drove her particularly wild, which was what he wanted, Julia w

ild and gasping in his arms, all the while she begged for his cock.

Her purr of pleasure spurred him on, and he slipped his arms around her waist and hauled her close. He ground his hips against her backside, letting her feel his erect cock straining his trousers. She thrust back, rubbing her delectable bottom across him, and he bit at her ear, licked it, and she gasped.

“Anyone could walk in.” She played this game every time, and he knew it aroused her, the thought of someone indeed walking in on them and catching them locked together and panting.

“I don’t care. Let them walk in.” He played his role the same, for it excited him too. The mad grab as they fumbled with their clothes and the delicious friction of her quim clutching his cock. She was wet and eager every single time, and he loved that. Loved how he could touch between her legs and his fingers would come back dripping wet. Her scent lingered on his hand long after they were together, and he wondered idly if he was depraved for enjoying it so.

He loved the way she tasted, the sounds she made when he filled her, the sounds she made when she came. How she derived pleasure from his pleasure. Giving and sweet, sometimes a little feisty and always, always willing to do what he wanted. She was adventurous, kind and thoughtful. A constant delight.

She was like no other woman he’d ever met. And he wanted more of her. Craved her.

Needed her.

Julia pushed at him, turning to face him. He reached for her, tugged at the rounded neck of her gown and exposed her beautiful breasts, her beaded, pale pink nipples. He drew one into his mouth and sucked, bracing his hands against the door on either side of her head as he bent over her. Lavishing all his attention on her lush flesh and making her moan loudly.

“Shh,” he reprimanded when he lifted away, the sweet taste of her flesh lingering on his tongue. “Someone might hear you.”

“But it feels so good.” She flashed him a languid smile, and pride flooded him that he was the one who put that look on her face. He was the one who could pleasure her like no other.

“Want me to make you feel even better?” He cocked a brow arrogantly, knowing without a doubt that what he wanted to do to her would make her feel incredible.

“Do you believe you can?” All their illicit meetings had made her confident. He’d secretly believed she had it in her. No longer was she a shy, unsure woman. Now she was a tigress that went after what she wanted.

He was grateful that what she seemed to want was him.

“I know I can, my lady.” He gathered her skirts and petticoats so they floated about her waist, and then grabbed her, slipping his hands around her bottom and hauling her up. She wound her legs around his hips, anchoring herself to him, and he pinned her to the door and rubbed his insistent cock against her. He’d discovered last week that she didn’t even bother wearing drawers any longer, much to his delight.

“I want you inside me,” she whispered throatily as he nudged his cock through her soaked folds. “Now.”

Garrett did as she demanded, sliding into her. Slowly, savoring the glide, the way her inner tissues clasped him, hot and velvety. She curled her hands about his shoulders, tipped her head back and closed her eyes. Leaning forward, he kissed her neck and nibbled the slender column, licked where her pulse throbbed. She tightened her grip and shuddered around him.

His cock surged at the sensation.