“Miss Anastasia, your brother is on the line.” Renzo held the house phone out toward her.

She hesitated before she took it from him. “Which one?” she whispered.

“Matteo,” he whispered back, gesturing toward her with the cordless phone.

She grabbed it, escaping out to the back patio so she could talk to him privately. Not that there was anyone else in the kitchen besides Renzo and Elena. Her mother was, of course, nowhere to be found, and Stasia had a feeling Gavin was still asleep in the tower room.

Warmth suffused her at the thought of Gavin naked in bed. So not the image she wanted floating in her mind as she spoke to her big brother. “Matt. Good morning.”

“Good morning. I trust you’ve spoken to Mama.” It wasn’t a question. He was that confident she’d taken care of things already. She’d let him know a few days ago she was going to the villa to confront their mother, and he’d encouraged her, agreeing it was a fine idea.

Thank goodness for her eldest brother. He was such a positive influence in her life, especially now, when she desperately needed the support.

Sighing, she went to sit on a lounger by the pool, ignoring the one she and Gavin had occupied last evening. “Not enough. She hasn’t come out of her room once. But we’ve not been here a full twenty-four hours yet, so there’s still time.”

“We? Who else is with you?”

She sighed again. Sometimes it was as if no one listened to her, especially her brothers. She knew she’d told him about Gavin. “I brought my attorney. He’s an old friend of Alexander Worth’s. I think he can get me in to speak with them.”

Matteo remained silent for so long, she thought she’d lost him. “Are you still there?” she finally asked.

“Stasia, this is a bad idea.” His voice was firm, in that there-will-be-no-arguing-way of his. “Get rid of the attorney and speak to Mama alone.”

“There is no way I’m getting rid of Gavin.”

“Gavin, is it? Sounds rather informal. How old is he, anyway? And how do you know him again?”

“None of your business,” she grumbled, hating how she felt like she was talking to her father. Matteo had always taken on that responsible-brother-in-charge role. It came with the territory, what with him being the oldest of the four.

“Meaning he is most likely young and handsome and successful. Meaning he will also try his damnedest to get into your bed. Don’t let him, Stasia. Attorneys are nothing but trouble.”

Too late. Rubbing her forehead with the tips of her fingers, she leaned back against the chair. “I’m not a stupid little girl, so stop treating me like one.”

Now it was his turn to sigh. “Be careful, that’s all I ask. I know you can convince Mama to talk to you. The two of you have always been close. I don’t know why she’s behaving the way she is, but if anyone can get through to her, it’s you.”

“I hope so.” She paused, wishing her brother’s certainty could somehow transfer into her and give her the strength she needed to make the dreaded confrontation. “Where are you?”

“In Milan, visiting the in-laws. Lucia is not…feeling well.”

“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.” Not that she and her sister-in-law were very close, but she never wished ill will toward her. Lucia was quiet, could be rather snobbish. Quite proud of her husband, the newly appointed CEO of Renaldi Accessories, she enjoyed nothing more than going out with her equally snobby friends and shopping. Spending lots of money was her favorite hobby, but Matteo never seemed to protest. Not the most affectionate mother either, she practically neglected her young son, Matty.

That was the part that irritated Stasia the most. Who could ignore that sweet little boy, especially his mother? She didn’t understand it.

“She’ll be fine. I thought having her here with her family would cheer her up, but she’s spent most of the time in bed.” Concern laced her brother’s voice. “It’s as if she’s too weak to get out of it. She sleeps most of the day.”

Stasia frowned. That didn’t sound like Lucia. She was always all over the place, never one for idle time. “Take her to the doctor, Matt. Maybe she has some sort of flu.”

“Perhaps. You need to visit and soon, Stasia. Once all the dust settles over this entire mess, we would love to have you. We’ll be back in New York soon. And Matty misses you.”

“I miss him too. Give him a kiss for me.”

“Will do. Perhaps I’ll have him Facetime you in the next few days.”

“Oh, that sounds wonderful. Ple

ase do so.”

They said their goodbyes and she hung up, setting the phone on the glass-and-iron table beside her. The sun was warm as it shone directly overhead, the constant breeze ruffling her unbound hair. She was still clad in her thin robe and nightgown, no make-up, her hair a mess. In desperate need of a shower before she went to her mother and tried to talk to her again.