Chloe sat up quickly, pressing her fingers against his mouth, shutting him up. “No, I don’t. I deserve you.” She traced his lower lip. Her trembling fingers sent a wave of emotion through him so fierce it took his breath away. “Why do you always put yourself down?”

Cam bent his head, focused on her beautiful breasts on blatant display. “It’s easier. That way I don’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations. Why do you think I never stick around? I can’t disappoint them if I’m not here.” He touched her, curved his fingers around her breasts, stroking her. “Your skin is so soft.”

“Cameron,” she breathed, the sound of his name causing him to lift his gaze, still holding her breasts in his hands. “All those expectations you’re talking about? You put them on yourself.”

He tried to say something. Defend himself. Deny what she said. “You think you really know me? Have me all figured out?”

She moved into him, her mouth meeting his. The kiss was hot, wild, touched him to his very soul, and when she broke the kiss first, she placed her hands on his cheeks, gave him a little shake, and he blinked his eyes open in shock. “I know you’re scared,” she whispered. “Well, guess what? I’m scared, too. But I’m more scared that I’ll never know what it’s like to really be with you. And love you.” She bit her lip, a tear sliding down her cheek. “Because I’m in love with you, Cameron. Whether you like it or not.”

He swiped the tear away with his thumb. Devastated he made her cry. But he couldn’t answer her, didn’t know how. Knew she didn’t expect an answer, either, thank God. He’d probably screw it up, say something stupid or worse, hurtful.

And the last thing he wanted was to hurt Chloe.

He would when she found out the truth about the night before her accident. That stupid argument would hang over his head until he finally confessed the truth. He had no right being angry at her for betraying his trust.

He was betraying her at this very moment, keeping things from her. But damn, he wanted her so badly. He needed her. She was brave enough to tell him she loved him…

Later. He would tell her everything later. But now?

Now he had a sexy, near naked woman in his arms and he could hardly think. All he wanted to do was feel.

His chest aching, still reeling from her admission, he guided her so she lay on the mattress, his body pressing into hers. No one beyond his parents and siblings told him they loved him and he rarely said it. Had never really believed in love before.

Being with Chloe, he knew he could believe.

Leaning in, he kissed her. Softly, trying to convey the jumble of emotions swirling within him to her. Trying to prove that he was worthy of her love.

She tunneled her fingers through his hair, stroking him, gentling him. The kiss turned languid, tongues lazily searching each other’s mouths, his hands roaming all over her. He wanted to inhale her, feel her pulse in his bloodstream, flowing through him until he knew nothing else but her.

Cam slid down her body, her soft sighs his guide as he kissed her everywhere. Her panties soon vanished, as did his boxer briefs, and then they were naked. Face to face, he was desperate to make that final connection with her and when she leaned up, pressed her mouth to the spot where his pulse beat wildly, he was done for.

“I don’t have—” He swallowed when she licked him. “I don’t have a condom.”

She smiled against his throat, then slowly lay back on the bed, waving a hand toward her bedside table. “I have some in the drawer.”

He frowned, jealousy flaring within him and she laughed. “I bought them a couple of weeks ago,” she admitted, doing that shy, biting-her-lip thing that drove him wild. “I guess I was…hopeful?”

Reaching for the drawer, he found the box, fumbled nervously as he tore it open and pulled out a packet. Sharp joy pierced his chest. She’d wanted this, wanted him for weeks. They’d wasted so much damn time…

And when they finally came together, he wanted to prolong it. Make it last, savor being with Chloe, connected to her. A part of her.

“Cam.” She panted his name, her hands clawing at his shoulders as she wrapped her legs around him. “Please.”

He tortured her just as much as he tortured himself. “I know,” he murmured against her mouth. “God, I know.” He was so lost in her, found in her, everything started and finished with her. And him. Together.

As they lay there in the dark afterward, their damp skin clinging to each other, his face buried in her hair, her breathing slowly evened out. She’d fallen asleep.

And he’d fallen in love.

Chapter Ten

It was dark. The moon was full, adding to the dim lights that stood in the parking lot of The Pine Tree. She could see Cam clearly, could hear him even clearer, and dread crept over her when he started talking.

“Everyone knows you had a major crush on me when we were in high school. Hell, you were barely in high school, making eyes at me and following me around.” His voice was harsh. She’d never heard him sound like that before.

Her jaw dropped open as she stared at him. She shook her head, panic rippling through her, her heart racing. “I never told anyone I had a crush on you.”

She’d never told Jane, she’d never told any of her friends, and she’d definitely never told Mac.