Chapter Eight

Cam walked into h

is parents’ house, his steps light, his mood lighter. For the first time since his accident, since hell, years, he felt like his old self. Unburdened, the world seemed a little brighter, a whole lot happier.

It was all thanks to Chloe—and being in his hometown. She’d healed him somewhat out on the boat last night. Sure, they’d argued, but then she’d revealed a small slice of herself he’d never seen before. Her insecurities about her family made him feel like they had something in common.

So he’d spilled his guts. She listened to his story and didn’t pass judgment, didn’t offer any sort of advice. Had merely offered her open arms to him and held him close while he absorbed her strength.

He’d be a liar if he didn’t admit he’d grown a bit misty-eyed clinging to her. He’d purged his soul and damn if that hadn’t felt good, especially when he’d done so with a woman like Chloe. She was good for him. She was good to him.

Jesus, he was turning into a regular sap like his old man.

With the heaviness of his confession putting a damper on his mood, he hadn’t made any moves on her last night. Thought it best to let it go. Plus, he still had a few more confessions to make before he took it any further.

He didn’t want to, but he had to come clean about the horrible things he said to her the night of her car accident. It wouldn’t be right, taking their relationship to another level without being honest. He’d never forgive himself if she found out from someone else.

But how to tell her? God, he didn’t know how to approach the subject without sounding like a complete jerk. He didn’t want her to hate him.

If he was being truthful, he wanted more from Chloe. For the first time in his life, he believed he just might be able to give his heart to her.

“Anybody here?” he called out as he strode through the living room and entered the kitchen, stopping short when he saw all his siblings with the exception of Patrick sitting at the table, their expressions somber as they watched him expectantly.

“What’s going on?” he asked warily. “Where’re Mom and Dad? I thought we were having lunch.” That had been the texted invitation from Jane when he woke up this morning.

“They’re gone.” Mindy, the second oldest McKenzie sibling and all around representative, indicated the chair next to her. “Sit down, Cameron.”

He did as she asked because hell, he always had. Mindy held the bossy older sister role, his second mother, with relish, if truth be told. She’d kept him out of trouble, beat him up on occasion, and asked him to be a groomsman in her wedding to Marty, which he’d done with a happy heart.

Now the son of a bitch left her for some bimbo he was still shacking up with, flaunting her in front of the entire town while everyone gossiped behind their backs. It was disgusting. The sadness he felt emanating from Mindy every time he saw her made him in turn sad for her.

But there was a different emotion emanating from everyone at the moment. Worry. Concern. Determination. They looked ready to tear into him. Dread settled low in his belly as he waited for the attack.

Mac sat directly across from him, and for whatever reason that pissed Cam off. He was still mad at Mac for calling last night and killing the mood. He’d had his hand on Chloe’s breast for the love of God. Had been about to see nipple when that call had come through.

Typical little brother bullshit.

“We want to talk to you,” Jane started, resting her clutched hands on the table in front of her. “We’re worried about you.”

“Worried about me? I’m great.” He hadn’t felt this good since he didn’t know when.

“We want to know why you’re not working.” Mindy got straight to the point.

His defensives immediately came up. “I’m taking a break.”

“You never take a break. You don’t talk about it. I haven’t seen you with your camera out once since you’ve come back here. What happened to you?”

He turned to look at Mindy, who sat next to him. “Nothing happened. I was sick and fucking tired of being in a warzone, okay? I needed to get out of there.”

Jane watched him with those all-seeing eyes. She’d been the rat when they were younger, always telling on him and getting him in trouble. Always knowing when he was up to no good. “You were hurt when you were over there.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” His voice rose, his blood pressure shot up.

“I talked to Chloe earlier this morning. We started talking about you and there was this hitch to her voice that made me think something was off. She sounded worried about you.” Jane pressed her lips together and shook her head. “I only got bits and pieces out of her because let me tell you, she wasn’t about to give any information up, but I put it together. I can’t believe you didn’t tell us, Cam. We’re your family.”

His head was reeling. Chloe had told Jane about their private conversation? Why the hell would she break his confidence? “I didn’t want to worry you all,” he muttered, staring at the table blindly. Refusing to look at them, see the pity and concern on their faces.

He couldn’t deal with it. Not now, maybe not ever.