“I know. It was.” Jane propped her elbow on the edge of the dining table and rested her chin on her fist. “It was the most amazing vacation I’ve ever had.”

“I bet.” Chloe raised a brow.

Jane’s cheeks turned pink. “Stop. I’m a married woman now—I

have no business being embarrassed. And besides, you’re avoiding my question.”

It was Chloe’s turn for her cheeks to turn pink. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You and my brother. Rumors are going around town, you know. About you and Cam.” Jane shook her head, clearly surprised.

Chloe barely restrained from rolling her eyes. “Why does this town love to gossip so much?”

“Because there’s nothing much else to talk about around here,” Jane pointed out. “Trust me, been there, done that. They loved speculating on my relationship with Chris.”

“I remember.” Chloe wished she could talk to Jane about what was happening between her and Cam. But she knew her friend wouldn’t get it. Jane would just worry she’d get her heart broken. “We’re just friends. Kind of.”

“Kind of? You’re either seeing him or not. I always figured you looked at him these days like a rude big brother. You know, exactly how I feel about him,” Jane said.

Chloe wanted to laugh. The feelings she had for Cam were the complete opposite of brotherly. “Not really,” she muttered.

“So it’s true. You’re dating Cam.” Jane shook her head. “I can’t believe it.”

“Why?” Why was it so hard for anyone to fathom they could be a couple? Not that they were, not really.

Cam had kept his word, as had she. They spent time together, platonically in public, a bit more scandalously in private, though it never went beyond lots of kissing and the occasional grope session. Not that she let him go too far, though he seemed to take more liberties now that her ribs were mostly healed and her bruises and cuts had faded.

Truthfully, it had been the most exciting, thrilling three weeks of her life. On the Fourth of July, she’d spent the day with her family, then eventually headed over to the McKenzie house for an evening barbecue.

Cam had been there, sending smoldering glances her way with his entire family surrounding them, making her knees weak every time he looked at her. He’d caught her unaware when she went inside the house to grab something to drink, since everyone was outside.

He’d backed her into a hall closet and kissed her hard and long enough to wipe her bright red lip gloss off. They’d had to stop when one of Cam’s nieces came looking for him, calling his name as she wandered through the house.

Not to mention during the fireworks show, when they’d snuck off to hide among the trees. He’d settled on the ground and leaned against the trunk of a mighty pine and she nestled in between his legs. His front to her back, his arms wrapped loosely around her, his chin settled on top of her head as they watched the fireworks go off over the lake.

It had been a spectacular show, made even better when he leaned in and kissed her stupid. His lips had this magical way of stealing precious brain cells every time they settled on hers…

“I never imagined the two of you together. You drove him crazy when we were younger.” Jane studied her, probably noted the dreamy expression Chloe knew without a doubt she wore. Thinking about Cam had that sort of effect on her. “I know you used to have a major crush on him, though I never dared ask you about it.”

Something flitted through her mind. A flash of a conversation between her and Cam, though she couldn’t remember where or when.

I never told anyone I had a crush on you.

You didn’t have to. It was pretty obvious…

She frowned. Had that conversation really happened? Or had she dreamed it?

“Well, we’re hanging out. Not really dating,” Chloe said, which was the truth. What they were experiencing had no definition. It was an adventure, pure and simple.

“Huh. Sounds like every so-called relationship Cam has had his entire adult life.” Jane rolled her eyes. “Don’t tell me he’s got you under his spell, too.”

“No,” Chloe said too defensively, jealousy flaring inside her. Silly, considering she knew he had a past. So did she. Probably not as extensive as his, but still.

Her phone buzzed and she grabbed it from where she’d left it on Jane’s table, checking her text message. It was from Cam.

Where are you?

She quickly texted back.