She appreciated what her mom was doing, really she did, but she was exhausted. And confused. Despite everyone telling her what had happened, she didn’t remember any of it. Had no idea what caused her to go over the embankment, didn’t remember being pulled from the car, nothing.

Chloe could hardly remember where she’d been prior to the accident. They’d gone to The Tree, she knew that, only because Alison had told her when she called her earlier. And that Mac and Cameron had been there. She sort of remembered eating the burger, drinking some beer…

And that was it. She’d left—but why by herself? Why hadn’t Ali gone with her? Or one of the guys?

When she thought about it too hard, it made her head hurt even worse, so she put it away. Figured it would all come back to her eventually. And then maybe she’d finally have some answers to her mind-boggling questions.

“I’m going to go look for that doctor and see when you can leave, then.” Her mom smiled and patted her hand. “I’ll be right back.”

Chloe watched her walk out of the room then closed her eyes, breathing as shallowly as possible. She’d suffered two broken ribs, a major concussion, and more bruises and cuts than she could count. She’d caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror earlier and almost screamed in horror. She looked terrible.

A knock sounded at her door and she opened her eyes, lifted her head too soon, which caused it to spin. Hoping it was the doctor, she glanced toward the open doorway to find Cameron standing there, his tall, broad body filling up the space as he clutched a vase filled with giant sunflowers.

“Hey. You up for visitors?” His soft, sexy voice reached her, rippled through her, and she wished she could cover her face with her hands and tell him to go away.

Instead she tried her best to smile—which was difficult considering how much it hurt—and tilted her head. “Come in. I’m about to head on home anyway. Hopefully.”

“Really?” He stopped at the edge of her bed, setting the vase on the small side table. A few other bouquets had been brought to her as well, including one Alison had sent from the gift shop, one from Mac, and one, oddly enough, from Mike Vargas. She hadn’t seen him in a while, so she didn’t understand why he sent her flowers.

“The doctor said he would release me today. My injuries aren’t that severe.” She winced as she tried to shift. God, even her backside hurt.

Cam’s expression grew somber as he watched her. “You cracked a couple of ribs and banged up your head pretty badly. I’d say that’s rather severe.”

“You know what I mean. It could’ve been worse, I guess.”

“Yes, it could’ve.” He exhaled loudly, looking away from her. “So. Are you still mad at me?”

Confusion swirled within her at his out-of-the-blue question. “Mad at you? Why would I be mad at you?”

His gaze jerked back to her, equal confusion filling his gaze. His lips parted, as if he was about to say something, but she beat him to it.

“I don’t remember much about last night,” she confessed softly. “I don’t remember the actual accident or what happened right before. It’s all sort of a…blur.”

Cameron didn’t say a word, his eyes widening the slightest bit, the only indication that he’d heard what she said.

“Weird, huh?” She spoke only to fill the silence. But it really was weird. Her doctor explained sometimes the human brain protected a person from horrible experiences by wiping his or her memory clean of the actual act. He believed the accident had been so traumatizing, she’d forgotten it on purpose.

Which really was fine by her. Who needed to remember such a scary moment?

“Very weird,” Cam finally said. “You don’t remember…anything?” He sounded incredulous.

“Nothing.” She shook her head. “Ali’s planning on coming over to my house later to hang out, so hopefully she can help me fill in a few more details.”

“You talked to Ali?”

She frowned. “Of course I did.” Why wouldn’t she? Both Alison and Jane were her closest friends. And Jane wasn’t even here. She was off honeymooning at some exclusive Mexican resort. “Briefly on the phone. She reminded me that we were all at The Tree last night.”

“We were,” he said carefully. “We sat together, had a few beers.”

“She told me that, too.” Chloe pressed her lips together and glanced down at her clutched hands resting on her lap. She so did not want to talk to Cam about that kiss at Jane’s wedding reception. Maybe they already talked about it? And maybe that was why he asked if she was mad at him?

“So, why would I be mad at you?” she asked.


She glanced up, saw the nervousness in his gaze. Looked like he was scrambling for an answer, too. Huh. “We had a minor argument,” he said. “You know, a little trash talking between good friends.”

Between good friends? Not what she’d describe them as before that kiss. Not necessarily how she’d describe them after the kiss, either. “Sounds kind of minor. Why should I be mad at you over something like that?”