Was he still drunk? Or had he sobered up somewhat? If she’d known he’d sneak into her bed, she would’ve dressed better. Worn sexy lingerie to impress him. Or maybe nothing at all if she was feeling really daring.

Instead, she’d crawled into bed a few hours earlier wearing her usual. An old, thin white camisole and cotton panties. She’d had a hard time falling asleep, knowing Cam was in the next room, oblivious in his drunken stupor. When sleep had finally come, she’d dreamed. Of skinny-dipping with Cameron in the lake, splashing him when he tried to grab her. Until finally he caught her, yanking her in close, letting her know without a word just how much he wanted her…

“Mmm, you’re hot.” He nuzzled her neck, pushed her hair away so he could press his damp mouth to her rapidly beating pulse. “Wake up, sleepyhead,” Cam murmured.

She tilted her head to the side, offering him easier access, and he took it, nibbling and licking a path down her neck that had her sighing with pleasure. “You disturbed my dream,” she murmured sleepily.

“Tell me this isn’t better than what you were dreaming about.” His smug confidence made her smile. Especially since he was right.

“Considering I was dreaming about you, the reality is only somewhat better,” she answered. “Are you angry, Cam? About what happened with your family? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to tell Jane anything.”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” he muttered. His arms tightened about her waist and the next thing she knew he hauled her beneath him, his big body pinning her to the bed, his hands braced flat on either side of her pillow.

Opening her eyes, she found him watching her. His hot gaze roved over her face, skimmed down her throat to land on her chest. She wore no bra, the camisole’s fabric was thin and see through, and there was enough dim light coming through the open window above her bed for him to see her. Squeezing his eyes shut, he shook his head once, released a harsh breath.

“God, look at you,” he muttered, almost as if he were talking to himself. “You’re killing me here.”

“Cam.” He opened his eyes when she called his name and she reached for him, rested her hand against his scruffy cheek. “What are you doing?” Stupid question but she was unsure.

A cocky grin appeared and he turned his head, pressed a smacking kiss to her palm. “Joining you. Do you mind?”

“Are you still drunk?”

“Maybe a little.” The grin faded. “You know, you’re right. I should be mad at you.”

Dread filled her and she let her hand drop. “Now you want to talk?” They should. It was only right.

“You shouldn’t have told Jane about my accident.” His gaze hardened and he lifted off her, settling in beside her, lying on his back. “I didn’t expect you to break my confidence, Chloe. That…hurt. What I told you was private.”

“I know, and I’m sorry. She just wouldn’t stop badgering me! You know how she is. And I slipped. It was a stupid slip and I hate that she got it out of me and I hurt you in the process. I wish I could take it all back.” She meant it. “I only told her because I was worried about you. They want to help you.”

“I’m fine. I don’t need their help.” He crossed his arms behind his head, hands linked at the back of his neck. He stared at the ceiling. “They tried to stage some sort of bullshit intervention.”

“I know. They did it because they care about you, though. They love you and their feelings were hurt because you kept your accident from them,” she whispered. God, she ached for him. For all the hurt and humiliation he’d faced. His pride would be his downfall if he wasn’t careful. “You have to know I didn’t expect them to do that, Cam. I didn’t know Jane was going to tell them and confront you with it. I’m so, so sorry.”

He turned to glare at her. “Who told you about the ambush? Wait, let me guess.” His mouth thinned. “Mac.”

“No. I haven’t talked to Mac in days.” She propped herself up on one arm so she could look down at him. “Jane called me. She was worried sick when you blew out of there.”

“I was furious. But I’m over it. You didn’t mean for that to happen, Chloe. I get it.” He moved his gaze from hers. Stared at the ceiling again. “How did you figure out I was at The Tree?”

“I just…I don’t know. I had a feeling you’d be there.” She had no explanation beyond instinct and that sounded ridiculous.

“Huh.” He paused. The tension in his body rolled off him in waves and she wished she could reassure him, touch him. Let him know just how sorry she was, that everything blew up in his face. She’d never meant it to go that far. “I hit Mac.”

“I heard.”

He sighed. “Want to know why?”

Yes. No. “Does it involve me?”

Cam looked at her again. “Yeah.”

Her heart felt like it was going to seize in her chest. “Then tell me.”

“He said I shouldn’t use you as my sexual plaything.” Cam laughed. “There’s nothing sexual going on between us so I guess I dodged that accusation.”

She didn’t laugh. It wasn’t funny. She appreciated her friend’s concern but seriously…