“Back off ladies, the man’s with me,” came a sweet voice to his right, startling both women so that they moved away with sneers on their faces, their irritation clear.

He turned, saw Chloe standing there, all righteous indignation and full of fire. She glared at the two women until they slunk off and then she approached him, bracing her hands flat on the table so she could lean over it, stare him directly in the eyes.

Giving him a delectable view down her V-neck shirt. His gaze dropped, caught a glimpse of her bra, the red, lacy one that had given him heart palpitations that night on her back patio.

“Eyes up, mister. I’m taking you home.”

All it had taken was Jane hearing the tone of her voice and her friend had known something was wrong. She pestered and pestered until finally Chloe collapsed under pressure, mentioning he’d had an accident. She’d cringed when Jane started going off, upset and worried about her brother. The moment the words left her lips, Chloe knew it had been a mistake, telling Jane anything about Cameron. He’d probably never forgive her.

But maybe having his siblings know would help him. It wasn’t healthy, keeping all of that bottled inside. Cam needed to realize he had a family ready and willing to support him, through the good times and the bad. He didn’t need to keep running, didn’t need to keep avoiding everyone who cared about him.

Including her.

She’d broken through that barrier on the boat and held him while he’d cried. He never admitted it, she’d never asked him about it, but she’d felt the dampness on her neck. Knew that he’d shed a few tears over his pain, his supposedly messed-up life.

But she hadn’t expected Jane to run to her sister and brother and stage an intervention on Cameron’s behalf. He’d called it an ambush, Jane had told her. Right after he knocked Mac to the ground, then got into an argument with every single one of them before he ran out.

She couldn’t half blame him. Had been furious when she heard what they’d done and chewed Jane out for it, too. They’d handled it all wrong. Cam hated confrontation. Even she knew that.

Jane hadn’t called to get chewed out, though. She was looking for Cam. They were worried about him after he stormed out of their parents’ house. Was he with her? Jane asked.

Chloe had a hunch where he might be and it turned out she was right. There he sat at a table in the corner of The Tree, drunk as could be and actually getting hit on by two out of town tramps. He hadn’t deterred them, either. Was flashing them a dopey grin she wanted to kiss right off his face, which irritated her to no end.

“Let’s go.” She grabbed hold of Cam’s arm and yanked him into a standing position, saw that he wobbled on his feet, which was a bad sign. Half leading him, half dragging him, she walked him out of the bar. She told Sal to put Cam’s bill on her tab, even though she really didn’t have one.

Sal knew she was good for it.

“You keep a tab here?” Cam asked incredulously as she pushed through the double doors, the late afternoon sun blinding them both.

Him worse. “Damn, that’s bright.” He held his free hand up in front of his face, shielding his eyes.

“Come on. You need to sleep this off. Have a cup of coffee, something to sober you up.” She led him to her new car, a cute used Honda Civic Ali had convinced her to buy when she accompanied her to the car lot in Oakwood a few weeks ago. It was red, the same color as the bra she wore, and it made her feel racy.


Two words she would’ve never used to describe herself. Before Cam, that is.

“What about my truck?” He waved at where it was parked.

“It’ll be okay here for the night. Or I’ll have Mac come get it and drive it home for you,” she suggested.

The look on his face was positively feral. “Hell, no,” he growle

d, his eyes glinting with simmering rage.

She realized her mistake but didn’t say a word. Wouldn’t be smart to engage the angry drunk man, so she hit the keyless remote and opened the passenger side door, shoving him inside. He went willingly, slumping in his seat, then he leaned his head back, closed his eyes, his long legs sprawled in front of him. His shorts rode up a little, offering her a glimpse of the still red scar on his knee from the surgery he’d had on it.

Looking way too delicious for words, despite the scar. Despite his drunken state.

She had it so bad.

Chloe pulled out of the parking lot and started to head to Patrick’s family cabin, where Cam was staying, but he said, “Not that way. Take me to your place.” He paused, his voice dropping to a whisper. “I don’t want to be alone.”

She couldn’t resist his plea. So she turned left and headed toward her house. Remained silent as she drove, casting the occasional glance in Cam’s direction. His kissed-by-the-sun hair was mussed and wildly beautiful, much like the man himself. He could roll out of bed and look like a god.

Chloe sighed. Life was so unfair sometimes.