“We’re supposed to worry about you,” Mindy said softly, reaching out to rest her hand on his. “We want to take care of you but you make it awfully hard, always running away from us.”

He ran because they stifled him. The entire town stifled him. Coming back had been a mistake. He’d known it from the start and somehow let a pretty little dark-haired woman convince him otherwise. She was just like all the rest—untrustworthy.

The realization broke his fucking heart.

“I appreciate your concern,” he said tightly, his gaze still glued to the tabletop. “But I’m fine now. The injuries I suffered were minor.”

“How minor? Chloe refused to tell me. Said that was your story to confess,” Jane said.

“Broke my leg and screwed up my knee,” he said tightly, his jaw hurting, he clenched it so hard.

“Minor.” Jane shook her head. “Sounds serious to me. And I thought I noticed you limped sometimes.”

“It hurts occasionally.” He shrugged. “No big deal.”

“I wish you would open up to us and tell us what you’re feeling, how you’re doing. Why you’ve given up on your career and come back home,” Mindy said. “Not that we don’t love having you here with us, Cam, because we do, but…what exactly are you doing?”

“Yeah,” Mac suddenly said, his voice full of anger. “If you plan on leaving soon, then you should stop wasting your time with Chloe. You’ll just end up breaking her heart. Why are you with her?”

“Mac,” Mindy warned but it was too late.

Cam finally lifted his head, sending a death glare in Mac’s direction. “It’s none of your damn business.”

“Cam,” Jane admonished. “Honestly, we’re all wondering the same thing.”

“I’m the only one with the balls to ask,” Mac added icily.

“We’re friends,” he said, clenching his teeth. “Close friends.”

“If you break her heart, I’ll break your face,” Mac said. “I won’t stand by and let you use her as your sexual plaything. She deserves better than that.”

Cam stood, his right arm cocked back, fist clenched. Ready to lay the blow his brother undoubtedly asked for. “It’s not like that, asshole. Not that I need to explain myself to you.”

Mac stood as well, rounding the table so fast both women gasped in shock. He got right in Cam’s face, his expression full of fury. “Then what’s it like, huh? I’ve seen you with her. Wrapped around her like a pretzel, your tongue down her throat.” At Cam’s shocked gaze, Mac nodded. “Yeah, I saw you two here in the house on the Fourth. Dragging her into a closet for God’s sake. What’s wrong with you? Embarrassed to be seen with her?”

That was it. Cam lunged for his little brother, his fist landing on the edge of Mac’s jaw, sending him sprawling. His sisters leapt to their feet, Jane reaching Mac first, holding him down when he would’ve sprang to his feet and gone after

Cam. “What is wrong with the two of you?” she yelled.

“He’s jealous.” Cam pointed at Mac, who glared at him, struggling against Jane’s grip, which appeared surprisingly strong. “He had his chance with Chloe and he missed it. Now he’s trying to break us apart.”

“So you two are seeing each other,” Mindy breathed. “I heard rumors but I didn’t believe it. Oh, Cam.”

“Don’t ‘oh, Cam’ me.” He whirled on Mindy, sick and tired of everyone’s judgment and worry. “Chloe’s a grown woman. She knows what she wants.” And she wanted him, even though she’d caved to Jane and gave away too much of his secret.

The pain in his chest nearly took his breath away.

“I’m not jealous, you asshole.” Mac shook Jane off him and stood, gingerly touching his already bruising jaw. “She’s one of my best friends. And you’re my womanizing brother. I don’t want her to get hurt. Because let’s face it, you’ll hurt her. It’s what you do best.”

“Whatever.” Cam shrugged away from Mindy’s fluttering hands and turned on his heel, headed for the door. “I’m out of here. I don’t need this ambushing bullshit.”

“Out of here for now, or out of here for good?” Mindy called as he walked away. “Running again as always, right, Cam?”

He stopped, breathing harshly, his knuckles stinging from making connection with Mac’s stupid, smug face. “I’m not running away.”

“You always run away.” Jane sounded furious. He heard her footsteps, felt that surprisingly tough grip jerk him around so he faced her. “And you hide. You’re a great hider, you always were. We’re sick of it. I’m sick of it.”

“Is that why you always ratted me out, Janey?” he taunted. “You were just as bad, always keeping your emotions close to your chest.”