He dodged her, swimming out of reach, which frustrated her more. “You’ll be fine. Don’t be such a wimp.”

Letting loose an irritated growl, she slipped beneath the water, headed straight toward him. With a laugh, he took off. Keeping ahead of her by a few strokes,

he took her around the boat, closer to shore, then farther out, until they were right at the entry of the cove and he finally let her catch him.

Her breath coming in quickened spurts, she looped her arms around his neck, pressed all that wet, soft skin against him. “You’re hard to catch.”

The story of his life. “You’re pretty determined.” He slipped his arms around her waist, his fingers resting along the thin band of her bikini bottoms. Only had to slide a few inches and his hands could slip beneath them…

“I guess you were right,” she conceded reluctantly. “The water is refreshing.”

“Invigorating,” he agreed, his gaze zeroed in on her lips. They were wet, a droplet of water clung to the corner of them, and he leaned in, licked it away.

She gasped. “Cameron.”

He kissed her this time, tightened his arms around her, letting his fingers slip just beneath her bottoms so he was touching chilled, bare skin. “Chloe,” he whispered, unable to say anything else, he was so consumed with her.

They treaded water, kissing, hands wandering. He leaned into the water, floating on his back and taking her with him.

He wanted to break all the rules. Forget the sweet summer romance deal. There were too many curves on display in that little bikini, too much skin. All he could think about was how he could get his hands on all that flesh. How he could get inside the pretty little body and show her just what he could do for her.

Without a word he led her to the back of the boat, urging her to climb up the short ladder. She did so while he waited behind her, eyeing her sexy backside, the bottom curve of her cheeks exposed when her bottoms rode up, making his head spin.

Like a man obsessed, he climbed into the boat, grabbing the towels out of his backpack and handing one to her. She dried off, as did he, but he was impatient. Scrubbed the towel over his skin haphazardly before he tossed it aside and reached for her.

Drew her into his arms and kissed her, drowned in her.

Never wanted to let her go.

Chloe melted against Cam, their damp bodies plastered together, their mouths fused. He slid his hands along her sides, fingers toying with the ties that rested on her hips and she wanted him to undo them. Wanted to feel those masterful hands touch her in her most intimate places. Wanted to know what it was like to really make love to Cameron.

Her mind shouted stop but she ignored it. Let him lead her to the seat at the front of the boat where he pushed her down, then followed after her. She lay back on the thin bench cushion, her legs spread, Cam nestled in between them. He kissed the length of her neck, her throat, along her shoulder and her collarbone. His mouth was warm, his tongue wicked, and she shivered, her entire body trembling. He cupped her breast with a large, rough hand, impatiently tugging at her bikini top so he could shift the fabric out of his way.

And expose her for the very first time to his gaze.

Now this was the stuff of her adult dreams. Wet and aching for Cam, his hands all over her, his hard, hot body pressed into hers. She’d let him take her like this. Right here, on his dad’s boat in a secret cove on the lake. With the warm summer air caressing her skin and the melting sunset casting his harshly handsome features with gold.

“I want you, Chloe,” he whispered as he touched her with shaking hands. “I want you so damn bad it’s killing me.”

She wound her legs around his hips, ready for him. Beyond ready. “Yes. Take me, Cam,” she urged.

He reared up on his knees, reaching for his backpack, when suddenly a ringing sounded, startling them both.

They stared at each other, their breaths coming quick. “Yours or mine?” he finally rasped.

“Mine.” She scrambled for the bag she’d brought and yanked her phone out, saw who was calling, and tossed the phone back inside. Great.

“Who was it?”

Shaking her head, she reached for him. Wanted to forget. Wanted to focus on the two of them and no one else.

“Chloe. Who was it?” His voice was tight, his eyes dark. He didn’t look so aroused anymore.

“It was Mac,” she admitted, her voice small.

The mood was broken, just like that.