“I don’t stick. Relationships aren’t my thing. I avoid my family like the plague. I hate this place.” He paused, turning fully to face her. She noted that despite the still damp hair indicating he’d showered, he hadn’t shaved, and that dark scruff on his lean jaw made her weak-kneed. “You are this place, Chloe. I witnessed that the last couple of days. Every single person who lives in this town is worried about you. And I’m definitely not worthy of the town princess.”

Hope lit her from within, a tiny flicker that warmed her heart. He didn’t believe himself worthy of her? That was the silliest thing she’d ever heard. If anyone was the unworthy one, it was her. “I’m not the town princess.”

“Yes, you are. And that yo

u don’t even realize it cinches the title. It’s yours.” He nodded, turned back toward the kitchen. “I’ll make some coffee and then I should go.”

“I’m a big girl, Cam,” she said softly, making him pause again. “Everyone may be protective of me but I know what I want.”

And more than anything, she wanted him.

Cameron busied himself in her doll-sized kitchen, finding the filters and coffee with ease. He filled the pot with water, poured it into the machine, and then added two heaping scoops of coffee into the filter before he turned it on.

Shit. His hands were shaking, Chloe’s words still lingering in his mind.

I’m a big girl, Cam.

Hell yes, she was. A beautiful, curvy woman he’d fantasized about the last few nights.

But I know what I want.

He could only assume she referred to him. Well damn, the feeling was mutual.

Which meant they were in a hell of a mess.

Cam stood by the tiny dining table, staring out the window that overlooked the lake. Her house was small, no bigger than eight hundred square feet and one of the original rental cabins on the lake, he’d guess. They’d been converted more than twenty years ago into actual homes and though this one wasn’t directly on the lakeshore, since it stood on a hill, it had a gorgeous view and was surrounded by towering pines, which gave her plenty of shade.

Her little yard was cute, pots full of blooming summer flowers in vivid hues scattered along the cobbled walkway and front and back porch. The hide-a-key had been kept beneath an old birdhouse that sat in a wine barrel planter. Mac had finally told him once he finished giving him a huge speech about messing with Chloe’s head after everything that had happened to her, blah, blah, blah.

Funny thing was, Cam knew Mac was right. But he couldn’t resist her. Hell, he felt…beholden to her after everything that happened. It was his fault she was hurt. His fault she’d most likely totaled her car.

Everything was his fault, as usual.

The coffee finally brewed, he went back into the living room, ready to ask if she wanted a cup when he stopped short, finding her passed out on the couch. Her hair a dark riotous mess about her head, her lips parted slightly, he swore he heard a little snore emanate from her and he smiled.

Going to her, he carefully pulled the blanket back over her body, tucking it around her shoulders. She smelled amazing, like wildflowers and rain, and he leaned over her and pressed his lips to her temple.

For once in his life, he wanted to give in. He wanted to take what he desired and damn the consequences. What was the point of life if all he did was worry about how he’d screw everything up? Chloe was a big girl. If she was asking for a summer adventure with him, then why couldn’t he give it to her?

He wanted to. Damn it, he wanted to more than he cared to admit.

“You’ve got me all twisted up inside and you don’t even know it,” he murmured, unable to resist kissing her again. “I’ll do my best not to hurt you, Chloe.”

He hoped like hell he could keep that promise.

She’d fallen asleep again. It was like she couldn’t control herself but at least this time, she’d somehow ended up with her cheek pressed against a warm, solid chest, a big, muscular arm slung around her waist, holding her close. The scent of him woke her first. Fresh, clean, with a hint of pine and his own unique smell, she knew without a doubt it was Cameron.

Holding her, his arm around her while she slept on him.

Her heart in her throat, she was afraid to move, afraid to disturb this moment she wanted etched on her memory forever. One minute he was telling her he was no good for her and the next he was letting her sleep in his arms. She had no idea how she even ended up there.

It made no sense. She was downright afraid to question it.

“You’re awake.” His deep voice rumbled through his chest against her ear and she sighed, glanced up to find him watching her.