“You didn’t turn out so badly,” she murmured sultrily. Her gaze skimmed over him and his skin heated, as if she’d physically touched him.

“Are you flirting with me, Chloe?” He cocked a brow, didn’t move his arm away from her hand. He enjoyed her touch

too much.

She raised her brows at him in return. “If you have to ask, I think that means I’m doing a terrible job.”

Chuckling, he shook his head. “You should be furious with me.”

“Over what happened last night?” He was shocked she mentioned it. Appreciated her straightforwardness, too. “I agree. You were sort of a jerk.”

“I was a complete jerk.”

Nodding, she smiled. “Definitely.”

“I’m still a jerk,” he warned.

“You know what I think?” She glanced to her left, then her right, before she leaned in so close she was in kissing distance. “I think you like to pretend you’re a complete jerk but beneath that tough guy exterior, you’re really a big ol’ softie.”

No one in his life had ever described him as a softie. “Oh yeah, that’s me. A big ol’ teddy bear.”

“You are, aren’t you? All warm and cuddly.” She ran her hand across his shoulder, her touch sending hot sparks shooting through his bloodstream. “Not soft, though. You’re actually quite…hard.”

If she knew how close she was to the truth, she’d probably freak. He knew he was close to freaking. He wasn’t one to sport wood in the middle of a bar. Flirting with Chloe Dawson was a mistake. He didn’t want to hurt her when he left.

And he always left. “Are you drunk?”

She shook her head. “I had half a beer and it’s watered down. I’m sober as can be.”

It was a known fact that the owner of The Pine Tree watered down the beer on tap. The drinks were so cheap, no one protested Sal’s antics. Besides, he’d been doing it since anyone could remember. “Hmm, you’re acting a little bolder than usual.”

“I’m searching for that adventure I talked about last night.” Her smile was a little crooked. “I think you might make an…interesting one.”

Cam frowned. “I can’t be your adventure, Chloe. You said that yourself.”

“A girl’s allowed to change her mind, right? I think you could be just the man to show me an adventure or two.” She licked her lips, leaving them shiny, and damn it all, he wanted to kiss her again. Badly. “No expectations, no commitment. Just some…fun to fill our summer days.” Her voice lowered. “And nights.”

He stared at her, stunned by her words. Christ, he was tempted. The idea of showing sweet Chloe Dawson an adventure or two sounded like an interesting way to occupy his short time here in Lone Pine Lake.

But he knew what she was like. What her expectations really were. She’d want more; women like her always wanted more. And he couldn’t give it to her.

Cam needed to shut this flirtation down and quick. It was time to turn on the macho asshole front and bail on her before he became weak and actually agreed to her suggestion.

He was tempted, though. Tempted to want more. But not here. Not in his hometown with a girl he’d known forever. It would be a mistake. He’d screw it up—he always did.

“Sounds interesting, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to turn you down.” Grabbing his beer, he slammed the rest of it, set the empty mug onto the table with a grim smile. “See ya around, Chloe.” He stood, nodded in her shocked direction, and fled the building.

Didn’t bother saying good-bye to his brother. Didn’t say nice to meet you to Alison. Just buzzed out of the bar as fast as his feet could take him.

He burst through the double doors, the sultry night air enveloping him in its steamy embrace. The predicted heat wave was fully upon them and it was still miserable, despite it being almost ten o’clock at night. Not even a breeze stirred the air.

Taking a deep breath, he rested his hands on his hips and glanced about the parking lot. And wondered what the hell had gotten into him. Confessing such a personal piece of information to Chloe Dawson, for the love of God. The girl who’d followed after him when he was a teen, watching him with those big puppy eyes full of adoring love.

And what the hell had gotten into her? All those sexy looks and subtle gestures, the way she leaned into him as if she wanted him to kiss her. She’d propositioned him right there in the middle of The Tree, with his brother, her friend, and a handful of townies sitting around them.

He exhaled through his nose, glanced at his brother’s car, to which he didn’t have the keys. That same adoring, awkward teenage girl was the woman he kissed last night. And enjoyed it, too. The woman who invited him to indulge in an adventure with her, and there was no getting around what she referred to when she said the word adventure.

“Shit,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair. He did not want to go back in there and ask for Mac’s keys. He could call him, have Mac meet him outside…