“Oh, yeah, that’s it, baby,” he crooned, his hips moving, his hands squeezing her ass so tight as he brought her down upon him that he was sure to leave a mark. A mark she would wear proudly. “I’m right behind you.”

And then he was coming, groaning, his mouth close to her ear. She pushed her hands into his hair, holding him tight, loving the way his big body shuddered against her, around her.

She never wanted to let him go.

“You two are fucking amazing,” Jed muttered and Austin lifted his head, his gaze meeting hers before they both burst into laughter.

They’d forgotten they even had an audience.

Chapter Ten

“I know it’s been a scary morning, Michaela. That’s why I wanted to call you in here as soon as I could.”

Michaela sat before her boss Tania in her office. She’d overslept, hurriedly throwing herself together before she arrived at work barely on time. The place held a somber tone the second she stepped in, as if someone had just died. She felt as if she’d been run over by a truck, her body aching, her head throbbing from lack of sleep. Her mind was distracted, worried over everything that had happened last night.

Between her and Austin—and Jed. And that woman, hell she didn’t even find out her name.

What would happen if any of her coworkers found out what she’d done? She wouldn’t be able to face them. What if someone had seen her there last night? Someone she knew? Fucking that woman with the flogger handle, sucking Jed’s dick with Austin, fucking Austin with wild abandon when anyone else could’ve walked into her room, she still couldn’t believe it.

Risky, stupid behavior on her part.

Finding out that people were being laid off this morning had made her panic even more. The very last thing she needed to deal with was losing her job, and she’d arrived to find the dealership doing a mass layoff across all departments.

Lousy economy, she thought miserably, wishing she’d made the time to pick up a Starbucks. Her sleepy mind was working overtime at why she was in her boss’s office, and she needed caffeine pronto.

“There have been some changes made in the office. A few positions have been eliminated or combined,” Tania started and dread filled Michaela’s stomach, making her nauseous.

Great. What would she do if she lost her job? Times were tough enough. She couldn’t stand the thought of finding another position.

“I want to offer you the position of assistant office manager. Your current position will be absorbed by the accounts receivable desk and since we lost two people besides that, I think it would be perfect for you to step into this new job.” Tania smiled, clasping her hands atop her desk.

“Wait a minute.” Michaela shook her head. No way could she have heard right. “You’re promoting me?”

Tania nodded. “Now don’t go spreading this around yet since the layoffs have put so many in a negative mood. Let’s keep this quiet for a few days until everything dies down. But yes, this is considered a promotion and you’ll get a small raise accompanying it. It won’t be much now since business is slow but continue at the rate you’re going and when the economy turns around, I promise you’ll see an even bigger increase in your pay.”

“Wow, I’m flattered.” Michaela pressed her hand against her chest, shocked at the offer. “I appreciate you thinking of me.”

“Of course, Michaela. You’ve proven to be a valuable employee here, and we’d love to see you go further up the ladder. You have a lot of potential.” Tania stood and Michaela did the same. “I take it that you’re accepting the offer?”

She nodded, glee spreading through her. “Absolutely. Thank you.”

“We’ll start training on Monday. Clean up your accounts as best you can, and we’ll start the switch over to Linda’s desk tomorrow. The two of you can work together.”

Michaela went to her desk, her head buzzing. She couldn’t believe this. She couldn’t freaking believe this. Propping her elbows on the edge of her desk, she rested her face in her hands, overwhelmed.

Too much had gone down in such a short amount of time, and she could barely comprehend it. It all floated through her mind, the things she’d done with Austin, the emotional mess it left her in last night. How he’d followed her to her bed when they got home and he’d held her close the rest of the night, his touch gentle, his mouth pressed against her forehead in a constant kiss.

Such a contrast from the commanding, dirty man at the club, it had confused her. Everything confused her. She didn’t know how to deal with the emotional turmoil her actions of last night had caused her.

Recalling those moments, she didn’t even recognize herself. Who knew she had it in her? Who knew she could do such shocking, scandalous things? She was a slut, a complete and total slut and God, the need to cry, the prick of tears at the corner of her eyes was overwhelming.

Breathing deep, she dropped her hands, glanced about the office. She saw the empty desks, the sad expressions on her friends and coworkers’ faces.

She didn’t know if she could deal with this.

Austin had warned her. His words of last night drifted through her mind yet again.

Can you live with yourself in the morning after what we plan on doing tonight?