“Gimme another minute,” he yelled from his bedroom. Their bedroom. She didn’t know what to call it.

She hadn’t slept in her bed since they had declared their love for each other, the both of them much preferring his since it was so much larger. Oh and the things he did to her in that bed. Just last night he’d tied her to the posts with scarves so she lay sprawled across it, a blindfold covering her eyes. He’d touched her, licked her, drove her absolutely crazy, and when he’d finally rewarded her for the torture he put her through by sliding deep inside her body she’d been beyond frantic to touch him. He’d untied the scarves, lifted the blindfold off and the love that had shone in his eyes when she first saw him had been a revelation.

It had been wonderful. She wanted to do it again. Tonight. Only he would be the one tied up and she’d do all the torturing.

Michaela smiled and squirmed, trying to push the forbidden thoughts from her mind. Now was not the time to get all worked up. They needed to leave soon. She couldn’t get distracted by sex right now.

“I’m ready.” His deep voice pulled her from her thoughts and she glanced up, a gasp escaping her when she saw him standing before her.

He looked downright…normal. Clad in dark blue jeans and a simple button up shirt, he was an everyday guy. He’d recently gotten a haircut and his hair was short, almost too short for her tastes though the top still had some length, enough to run her fingers through again and again. He wore absolutely no makeup, his beautiful blue eyes clear, the thick lashes dark and blinking at her in question. The only thing he clung to were the earrings, tiny black studs in each ear. He wore nothing she had expected him to.

“I thought you were going to get all gussied up.” He looked delicious enough to eat no matter what he wore, but she wasn’t about to tell him that.

Today was supposed to be all about the shock value. There was nothing shocking about him whatsoever.

Austin laughed, the sound wrapping around her and making her smile in return. “There’s no way I could do that. Today is too important. I’m trying to impress, not scare them away.”

“Impress them? My family? But why?” She stood and went to him, giving a little gasp when he grabbed her hand and hauled her close.

“I don’t want them to freak out when they see me, Michaela. I understand your plan and would’ve gone along with it if our relationship had been the way it was…before, when we were just friends. Or maybe if we were seeing each other casually, and I wasn’t so freaking crazy over you. But I’m serious about you.” He touched her face, his hand cupping her cheek. “I have intentions, you know.”

“Intentions?” Her voice shook, her entire body trembled and even though she knew they’d ventured into serious territory it was another thing that he actually acknowledged it.

“Yeah, like maybe I want to make a good impression so your parents understand how important you are to me. How much I love you.” His fingers stroked downward, making her skin tingle. “And I do love you, Michaela. More than you know.”

“I know,” she murmured, tilting her face to accept his kiss. “I love you too. So much.”

“Right.” He withdrew from her, his dark brows lifting as he studied her. “So I can’t walk in there with the eyeliner and the clothes and the punk ass attitude. I have to look like an upstanding citizen, you know. A man who might want to be a part of your family someday.”

A thrill shot up her spine at the thought of Austin as her husband.

Sigh. A girl could certainly dream. Especially when her dreams were in sight, as in he was standing right in front of her.

How did she get so lucky?

“My dad will probably like you though he takes some time warming up to new people.” She tapped her lower lip with the tip of her index finger, studying him. “And my mom will think you’re hot.”

He rolled his eyes, and she swore he blushed. Her Austin blushing. She’d never seen such a thing.

“Don’t say that. The last thing I want your mom to think is that I’m hot.” He shook his head though he couldn’t stop the smile from forming. “But if she falls under my charms, I’m not going to protest.”

“All women fall under your charms. It’s part of your appeal. You’re very charming.” She went to him again and hugged him tight. Her face was nestled against his warm chest, the steady beating of his heart sounded loud and clear beneath her ear. “Are you ready to go?”

She pulled away and he breathed deep, the nervousness on his face clear. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Are you nervous?” She’d rarely seen him nervous either. It was kind of cute.

“Well yeah. I’ve never met my girlfriend’s family before. I just want them to like me. To…approve.” He grabbed his car keys from the kitchen counter and she followed him, picked up her purse, which also rested on the counter.

She stopped him with a light touch on his forearm. “They’re going to love you.”

Austin turned to look at her. “You think?”

“I know.” Michaela nodded. “They’ll love you almost as much as I do.”

“Hopefully that’s enough.” He gazed into her eyes, hypnotizing, crystal-clear blue.

She could stare into his eyes for hours. Forever. “It will be.”