Brad sobered. “I’ve never been with a woman, you know that.”

“Still?” Austin found it hard to believe. Even the gayest of gays had messed around with a girl when they were younger or at the very least made out with one in a club or at a party.

“Still. I haven’t even kissed one with tongue.” Brad paused. “I don’t know if I really want to either.”

“Broaden your horizons,” Austin suggested though the thought of Brad kissing Michaela made his stomach churn.

“And I definitely don’t want to lick a girl’s pussy.” Brad shuddered. “Just the thought of that freaks me out. Gimme a fat cock and I’m happy. Girl parts scare me. I don’t know how you switch hitters do it.”

“Well I guess everyone has to draw the line somewhere. Jesus, Brad.” Austin could not believe they were having this conversation.

Brad cocked a brow, his lips pursed. “Do you want to do this, Austin? You don’t sound very enthused.”

“I want to make Michaela happy,” he mumbled.

“At your expense?”

Austin shrugged. “It’s what she wants. I created this monster, you know.”

“I do know. Have you two gone back to Tom’s?”


“Gone to any other clubs lately?”

Austin shook his head.

“Been seeing each other nonstop then I take it? I haven’t heard a peep out of you until this morning.”

“Yeah.” Austin shrugged. “What with work and spending time with Michaela, I haven’t had time to do much else.”

“Uh huh. Right. Sounds like you two might be in a relationship then, hmm?”

“I’d like to think we are,” Austin admitted. But he wasn’t sure if she wanted it. Again the withdrawing, the holding back on her part, her behavior made him nervous.

Made him believe she really didn’t want him. Not for the long haul at least. He wasn’t ready to put his heart on the line and admit he was in love with her. Hell, he’d never done it before. The possible rejection scared the shit out of him.

“Have you told her that?”

“Not really. I thought she’d figure that out by now.”

Brad sighed. “Did you not learn anything when we were together? Listen, you need to tell her this stuff, she needs to hear the words from your lips. Words of love or commitment or whatever else you’re ready to spill, you need to say it all now.”

“I don’t know if she wants to hear it.”

“Trust me, she wants to. She needs to if you want to take this further.”

The front door opened, cutting Brad off, and they both turned to see Michaela enter the apartment, clad in only a pale blue bikini, a beach towel slung over her arm, dark sunglasses on top of her wet head. Her eyes went wide at the sight of them and she shut the door behind her with a quiet click, a nervous smile on her face as she slowly approached them.

“Hi, Brad. What’s going on here?” Her gaze lit upon Austin, questioning.

“Ah, Brad just dropped by.” Shit. Austin did not want her thinking they were about to jump into this now. He figured she’d spend most of the afternoon at the pool. That’s what she normally did.

“Yeah.” Brad smirked. “I just dropped by.” He opened his arms to Michaela. “Come here and give me a hug, gorgeous. I haven’t seen you in forever.”

She went to him willingly, setting Austin’s teeth on edge. Her barely clad body pressed against Brad, her lips pursed for his quick kiss. Brad shot him a knowing look over her shoulder, his hands smoothing up and down her bare back in a quick caress, and Austin swore steam just poured out of his own ears.

He clenched his hands into fists. It infuriated him, seeing Brad with Michaela. He knew it was a platonic hug, he knew Brad was putting on a show for his benefit but it didn’t matter.