Only this time, they’d done a lot more than kissing. God.

Michaela closed her eyes, reliving that night at Tom’s for what felt like the millionth time. The first few days she’d been consumed with an overwhelming shame over what they’d done, what she’d done. Sucking another man’s dick, sharing that man’s dick with Austin and fucking that woman with the flogger—crazy, crazy stuff she’d only seen in porn or her darkest imagination.

And she’d made it come true. Well, Austin had made it come true. He’d given her the permission to embrace her inner desires, and she’d done it. Big time.

The shame had eventually subsided. She began to realize there was no harm in what she’d done. She hadn’t hurt anyone, those participating had only received enormous amounts of pleasure. So why should she beat herself up for her desires? So her wants were a little more extreme than others. She could accept that. She would have to accept it.

Austin accepted it. If he did, then so would she.

Work had proven intense, just as she predicted. Long hours with training, coming in early and leaving late had consumed her days. So technically, she wasn’t totally ignoring Austin. She was working and she’d explained that to him, which he’d accepted. Kind of. She’d seen the flare of irritation in his beautiful eyes, the firm set of his sexy mouth that indicated he was frustrated.

But he’d understood, hadn’t been demanding. A week passed, then two. And still she worked, still she didn’t see him much until finally, one afternoon he’d called her and demanded that she have dinner with him.

She’d agreed. They needed to talk. She needed to tell him she wanted to continue seeing him, playing with him as they had. His dominant side, the way he commanded her and how easy she bent to his will…she wanted to explore that side of herself more. Wanted to see just how far she could take it and Austin was the perfect partner for her.


Would he agree? God, she hoped so. He’d been game so far and she doubted he would stop her now. He was a good friend, an amazing lover. A man she could easily fall in love with.

A man I’m already in love with.

She shoved the silly thought aside. He didn’t love her—he lusted for her. Austin didn’t do relationships, he ran from them. A sexual friendship, yes he did those. She knew he did. Brad was living proof.

Well, she wanted to bump Brad from his position in Austin’s life and slide right on in. Permanently. She wanted Austin all to herself, no sharing with Brad allowed.

Hmm, sharing Austin with Brad. Her deviant mind would take that course, she thought as she walked through the apartment complex, winding her way toward their building. But a threesome with Brad didn’t sound like a bad idea.

Would Austin go for it? More important, would Brad? He could be a bitchy little thing. Moody and flamboyant at times, but he was a lot of fun. She could understand the draw Austin felt for him. He had a wicked sense of humor and the prettiest brown eyes she’d ever seen.

She was jealous of Brad. She could admit it. He and Austin were close and she envied that. She wanted to be a part of that. She wanted to be just as close to Austin as Brad. Closer. As close as she could get.

Shaking her head, she started up the stairs, her legs growing more tired with every step. The last two weeks had been exhausting, overwhelming. So many things to learn. So many things to do. A nice dinner would be a joy. Especially since she’d been living on fast food lately. She wondered where Austin was taking her.

Opening the door, she sucked in a shocked breath, drinking in what was laid out before her.

The house seemed staged for seduction. Warm golden light glowed from the dim lamps. The shades were drawn, helping cast shadows throughout, and lit candles flickered on the coffee table, along the kitchen counter, atop the small dining room table.

Michaela shut the door behind her, leaning against it to take the scene in. Soft music played in the background, mellow and sensual. The apartment was actually clean—no thanks to her since she’d worked so much, the couch plumped and inviting, rich velvet pillows scattered across it.

“You’re late.”

She looked up, caught the broad shadowy figure standing in the kitchen doorway. Austin emerged from the shadows, breathtaking in a simple black button-up shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and faded jeans. She couldn’t move, could barely think as he approached her, his lips tilted upward, eyes crinkling at the corners just before his mouth broke out into that full smile she loved so much.

“I’m sorry,” she said as he stopped just before her. “Work has been hectic and I tried to get out of there on time, but Tania needed to go over something with me…”

He silenced her with the press of his index finger over her lips. She quieted, her lips parting when he traced them, his touch sending shooting sparks of electricity spiraling throughout her body.

“You need to relax. You work too much.” His velvety voice smoothed over her, made her limbs weak, her heart race. He was being kind, thoughtful and she’d been such a bitch.

She didn’t deserve this. She didn’t deserve him.

Clearing her throat, she forced the words out. “Did you make dinner?”

He laughed, the sound rich and inviting, and her panties grew damp. All because of his laugh. Lord, she had it bad. “I burn water. I ordered in. Your favorite.”

“Chan’s?” Their go-to for Chinese takeout. They both loved that place.

Nodding, he took her hand and led her to the table. It was set with her only placemats and her favorite dishes, cloth napkins that matched the placemats folded atop the plates. A cluster of cream candles burned in the center of the table, their wicks sputtering and flickering, and she turned to look at him, the surprise she felt surely written all over face.