Austin shook his head and drew Michaela closer to him. “Are you standing or delivering tonight?”

Scarlett laughed, adjusted the black-rimmed glasses she wore. The outfit was completely different than what she normally wore. She looked like some sort of hot teacher ready to discipline her rowdy students with the smack of a wooden ruler.

“I can do both,” Scarlett finally answered, a smirk curving her lips. “I’m a long time member. I have options now.”

Austin cocked a brow. “Nice. Well, the last thing I want to do is see you, uh, participating so we’ll be headed in the opposite direction.”

“I suggest you go into that room.” She pointed to her right. “There are always interesting things going on in there.”

Michaela headed toward the room, her curiosity roused. She peeked inside, caught sight of a rounded dais in the farthest left corner. Three rows of seats filled the room, and half of those seats were occupied. Mostly with men though Michaela saw a few women too.

“It must be a performance,” she whispered when Austin came to a stop by her side.

He slid his arm around her shoulders and drew her close. The warmth from his hard, lean body seeped into her, his scent, spicy and rich, filled her head. Delicious, she thought, and all mine…

The sound of music filled the room, slow and with an easy beat and two men stepped onto the dais, their hands linked and not a stitch of clothing covering their beautiful bodies.

They were beautiful. Tall, broad shouldered with six-pack abs and muscular thighs. Their bodies were completely hairless, sleek and gleaming from the single golden recessed light that shown from above, directly upon them. They stared out at the audience, identical smiles curving their lips, their expressions open, inviting.

“Welcome,” the dark haired one said, his deep voice loud and strong. “Any requests this evening?”

“Oh man, Scarlett’s told me about this,” Austin murmured close to her ear. “Couples will go on stage and do whatever anyone from the audience asks of them. Within reason of course, but the parameter’s pretty broad.”

“Sounds interesting,” Michaela said. And it did. Since this was her first sex, or ahem, voyeur club experience, then she wanted to make the most of it.

So why not get aroused watching two men go at it by the request of the audience?

“A shy bunch tonight, hmm?” The other man, who had spiky golden blond hair and a tan, chuckled, ran a hand over his jaw. He appeared completely unfazed by the fact that he was naked, semi-erect and standing in front of a crowd.

A shy crowd he called it, which Michaela found ironic. They were in a sex club. No one should be shy around these parts.

Withdrawing from Austin, she raised her hand and cleared her throat, drawing the men’s attention. The blond nodded toward her, an expectant smile on his face.

“I’d like to see you”—she tilted her head toward the blond—“give a blowjob to him.” She gestured toward the dark haired man. “While on your knees and with your hands tied behind your back.”

“Jesus, Michaela, get right to the point,” she heard Austin mutter which made her want to laugh.

“This is what I’m here for, right? What we’re here for?” She turned to look at him. “I want to watch. What’s the harm in watching?”

“There’s no harm in it, baby.” He pulled her close once more, his gaze locked on her lips, his expression hungry. God, she could never get tired of seeing that look on his gorgeous face. “You want to watch, by all means, let’s watch.”

“Come closer,” the blond man urged as he grabbed a silky looking piece of rope from a tray that sat on the edge of the dais and handed it to his partner. “Come see what you requested.”

Glancing at Austin, she waited for his approval. She went from being a strong woman asking for what she wanted to the woman seeking permission from her man. There was something erotic in asking for this man’s approval and receiving it. The possessive gleam in his brilliant eyes, the slight tilt of his head when he nodded his agreement, she loved it. Almost felt as if she needed it.

They walked together to the first row of chairs, seating themselves in the middle. The blond was already in position, on his knees in front of the dark haired man, seeming to wait for Michaela and Austin to settle themselves. The dark haired man’s cock bobbed before the blond man’s face, his chest heaving, as if he could taste the man’s lips on his shaft.

“Remember, no hands,” Michaela reminded them, feeling naughty that she delivered such commands to two complete strangers. But that was all part of the show, the allure, and she wanted to revel in it, enjoy it to the fullest.

“Yes, mistress,” the blond said, thrilling her to the core that he called her that. She squirmed in her seat, her scant panties damp with desire. Her heart rate accelerated, the throb of her clit matching it beat for beat. She was so aroused.

The men hadn’t even really done anything yet.

The dark haired man’s hips twitched, his cock nudging against the blond man’s lips, and he parted them in invitation. His tongue darted out, flicked along the flared head of the dark haired man’s cock, circling the edge, tracing the slit, gathering the pre-come that pearled there before bathing the head. The dark haired man groaned and thrust his hips, sending his cock deeper inside the blond’s mouth, and he murmured his approval at the invasion.

Heat blossomed low in Michaela’s belly, bloomed all over her skin. It was…beautiful, watching two gorgeous men together. The undivided attention the man on his knees gave to the other, the way the dark haired man cupped his head, his fingers curling into his hair. Strong and supple, their bodies moved together in perfect rhythm as the blond took the dark haired man’s cock deeper and deeper, again and again.

“You’re enjoying this.” Austin’s words weren’t a question. He had to know by the way she shifted in her seat and the sound of her increased breathing that she was enjoying this. It was exciting, thrilling to watch others perform such an intimate act in front of them.