Michaela stopped to watch, her entire body tense, and Austin released her hand to slip his arm around her shoulders. His fingers met bare, smooth skin and he stroked her there, already wishing he had her alone so he could give her the full attention she deserved.

“You like?”

She shook her head, wrinkling her nose. “They really don’t appeal to me.”

“Let’s wander around then.” Scarlett told him it was a place that had sexy little secrets hidden everywhere. Every room had a couple or multiple people inside putting on some sort of show. The rooms on the third floor were private, for those who couldn’t stand it any longer and needed to get away to fuck.

Austin hoped they’d visit those rooms before the night was finished.

Michaela couldn’t believe Austin had brought her to this club. She knew he’d been up to something, but she hadn’t imagined the something would be this.

She should be scandalized, if she was normal. But she wasn’t. She was thrilled, excited to be in such a place. It was like nothing she’d ever seen before and not what she expected from a sex club either.

Since she had no experience with a sex club she really didn’t know what to expect, but she’d watched a few movies, ahem, porn, and she’d read some books. She expected Tom’s to be a little dirtier, more blatant, the sounds of various people in the throes of sexual acts to be echoing throughout the building.

With the exception of the couple on the stage going at it when they’d first entered, she saw no evidence of sex whatsoever. Sensual music played in the background and the air was cool as it breezed against her bare skin. The lighting was low and warm, casting a golden hue within, and the same red wallpaper that lined the lobby covered these walls, making the place seem smaller, more intimate.

It reminded her of what a bordello would look like with the red and the many rooms. Curiosity made her want to explore and they wandered around as Austin suggested, passing both couples and singles doing the same thing.

Most of the men cast her appreciative glances, which made her look away in embarrassment. She hadn’t worn the white dress in a long time. It had been a gift from a former boyfriend and she’d only worn it once for him. It wasn’t her style, too flashy, too risqué, and she felt exposed with so much flesh showing.

Austin certainly seemed to enjoy it though. He was constantly touching her, his large hand splayed across her bare back, his fingers sliding lower as they walked past door after door. She slid a glance back at him, saw the way his lids were heavy, his full mouth curved in a secret smile.

Oh, how she loved that smile. The innocent boyish charm mixed with the dominant, sexy man was such a turn on. The shirt he wore was black and tight, stretched across his broad shoulders and wide chest, and she realized he was earning more than his share of interested glances as well.

Pride surged through her, nearly overwhelming in its intensity, and she wanted to shout to every single person in the room that this man was hers and no one else’s.

He’s not really yours, the evil little voice inside her head whispered. You two are just fucking around—literally. When the novelty wears off, he’ll find someone else—like another man. Just watch.

She remembered what he’d said to her earlier, how he called her his. It made no sense. They’d been having sex for what, twenty-four hours? But they’d known each other for over a year, she considered Austin one of her closest friends.

It wouldn’t take much to tip her right over the edge and fall in love with him. Especially since he seemed to take pleasure in every one of her kinks that turned off past lovers.

Sobering thought. One she didn’t want to dwell on tonight when she was walking around a voyeur club watching strangers have sex.

She recalled the instructions from the man who had first greeted them. Would Austin want to participate? If a couple invited them to join in, would he be interested? Would she?

Oh, she was sick enough to consider it a possibility.

A woman sashayed in front of them, her butt twitching with her every step. She wore a knee-length black pencil skirt and black fishnet stockings and had an alluring walk, one even Michaela couldn’t help but watch, and she suddenly heard Austin suck in a startled breath.


The woman whirled around and it was indeed Scarlett. She looked as shocked as Austin sounded, her painted ruby red lips parting though no sound came out. Her usually wild hair was tucked into a neat French twist, and she wore a crisp white button down shirt though it wasn’t buttoned very much. Michaela caught a rather generous glimpse of a black lacy bra playing peek-a-boo from beneath her shirt.

She seemed to be working the sexy yet stern look quite well. The appreciative stares from various passing men were more than obvious.

“I thought

you weren’t coming here anymore,” Austin continued.

Scarlett shrugged, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment. “You caught me. I, uh, thought you two were coming later. I thought you might not build up the nerve to bring her here.”

“Don’t tell me you’re chasing Drake again.” Austin clearly ignored her remark, which Michaela found interesting. Had it really taken a lot for him to bring her to this club? He’d seemed all for it, excited even.

“I heard he’d be here tonight, yeah.”

Michaela watched the exchange with interest. Austin seemed to know so much about Scarlett’s love life. She knew they were friends but she didn’t realize they were that close.