“I try.”

“Tell me your darkest fantasy.”

Michaela lay flat on her back, staring up at the ceiling, her heart beating so fast she feared she’d pass out. Austin lay next to her, his breathing as accelerated as hers, and she bet his heart beat just as fast as well.

The minute she got home, he had attacked her, his hands shoving beneath her skirt, fingers sliding deep inside her pussy. He’d gotten her off right there in the doorway. She’d exploded like a firecracker, coating his fingers with her cream and she’d watched, breathless as he licked them clean.

God, he was hot. After the fingering in the doorway, he’d led her to her bed, where they proceeded to go at it like two animals in heat. She felt like she was in heat. Always thinking about sex, when she would next get it, where she would get it, wondering if he thought the same thing.

He had to, if his doorway attack was something to consider.

“You want to know my darkest fantasy?”

“Definitely.” He reached for her hand, clasping it in his, interlocking their fingers.

She stared at their hands, the way his thumb stroked her, his long fingers curled around hers. This part, the after sex and connecting part, scared her. Thrilled her. Made her long for more, made her realize it would most likely not happen.

Confusion swirled within her but she wasn’t brave enough to ask. Not yet. It was too new, her emotions too raw and no way did she want to risk alienating him, let alone ruining the moment, the sex.

So she kept her mouth shut.

“I don’t know.” She shrugged one shoulder. “We’ve already touched on a few together.”

Austin turned to look at her, a slight smile on his face. “Really?”

“I’m pretty simple.”

“I don’t believe that.” His answer was quick.

“It’s true! I prefer the normal stuff.”

“You love it when I get—forceful with you.”

He was right. She loved it. She was a deviant. Her old boyfriend’s words echoed in her head. “You’re right. I do.”

Rolling over onto his side, he released her hand to reach out and trail his fingers across her stomach. It quivered beneath his touch. “You want more?”

Michaela didn’t know what to say. Could she come out and admit that she would love it if they participated in more of that play? She didn’t want him to take her to some sort of sex club and put her on display. Discipline and humiliate her in front of a crowd, that didn’t have any appeal.

But if Austin wanted to spank her, paddle her ass, use all sorts of toys on her? Her answer would be a resounding yes.

She wanted to trust him with this. She should trust him, he was one of her closest friends.

“Yes,” she admitted, her voice small. She rolled over onto her stomach, hiding her face from him, not wanting him to see her reaction.

“I can arrange that.” Again, he touched her, as if he couldn’t stop, his fingers stroking her ass, tracing the curve and slope.

A ringing sounded somewhere in the quiet of her bedroom and Austin sat up, ran a hand over his head. “That’s my cell.” She rolled back over and watched as he went to his jeans and pulled out his phone, answering it with a curt greeting.

Michaela observed him with curiosity, drinking in his nakedness, enjoying the view. He was beautiful, she couldn’t stop staring at him and when she heard the uncomfortable tone in his voice it drew her attention away from his body and more on what was happening.

He didn’t sound happy. His answers were short, curt and she wondered who was on the line.

“Who was that?” she asked when he hung up the phone. She knew she had no right asking since it wasn’t like she was his girlfriend or anything but she was curious.

“Brad.” The mood had been spoiled by the phone conversation, she could tell and she sat up, yanking the sheet so it covered her breasts.

“What did he want?”