Really, she should just call him and get it over with. There was something about it, though, the anticipation, the worry, the knot in her stomach when she thought about talking to him. What would he say, what did he want from her? She hadn’t expected him to continue this game. She thought last night might end up a one time moment and then they’d go back to the same ol’ relationship/friendship/roommate thing.

Of course, not like that could ever happen after everything they had shared last night. Talk about an intense sexual experience. She’d never come so hard in her life and multiple times on top of that.

Maybe this could turn into a game they could play for a while. It sounded fun. Better than fun. She’d never had a fuck buddy. All of the men she’d been with she’d felt committed to, in a relationship with.

Not that she didn’t feel committed to Austin but really, this wasn’t much of a relationship. They were friends, yes but that was it, or that’s what she told h

erself. This was definitely all about the sex.

And what delicious sex it had turned out to be.

Glancing about the office to make sure no one was paying attention to her she grabbed her cell phone and punched in Austin’s number. He answered on the top of the fourth ring, almost letting it go to voicemail, and she wondered if he did that on purpose.

“That was longer than fifteen minutes.”

“Well hello to you too.” She paused, waited for him to say something but he was silent. “I’m at work, Austin. I was in a meeting. I couldn’t get away.”

“Can you get away for lunch?”

“I think so.” She glanced at the time on her monitor. “It’s almost twelve already, I had no clue. What time did you want to meet?”


It took almost an hour for her to get to work during the morning rush hour. It would take a half hour now. “Won’t twelve-thirty work better for you?”

“Michaela.” He was quiet for a moment and she swore she could hear him breathing, soft and even across the line. “Did you take your panties off?”

She looked around again, thankful everyone was doing their own thing. “Yes.”

“You’re a good girl.” She swore she heard the grin in his voice.

“I don’t feel like a good girl.”

“Why not?”

“Walking around like this.” She crossed her right leg over her left, her sensitive pussy tingling with the movement. “It’s rather—arousing.”

“That’s the point.” His voice lowered an octave, deep and sexy, reminding her of what he had sounded like when he whispered in her ear last night. “I’m in the parking lot.”

“You are?”

He ignored her question. “Come down here at noon and meet me at my car.”

A thrill rippled through her. “Which parking lot? Are the salespeople bothering you?”

“I’m in the back lot, the employee lot. Come down here, Michaela. At noon.”

“All right.” Her mind raced. What did he want to do? Would he take her somewhere and get naked so they could go at it for approximately thirty minutes? But where? She had no idea where people went for illicit encounters. “Where are we going?”

“Just meet me, Michaela.” He paused, the moment heavy with tension. “And bring your panties.”

He hung up, the click loud in her ear and she slowly lowered her cell phone until it clattered on top of her desk.

It was totally wrong that her body was on high alert, ready to meet Austin in – she glanced at the clock again—approximately eight minutes. What did he have planned?

She couldn’t fucking wait to find out.

After a night of unbelievable sex, the disappointment Austin felt at waking up alone had been overwhelming. Irritating. He wasn’t one who liked to linger in bed until the early dawn. He preferred to sleep alone, no distractions, and besides he was usually exhausted after a bout of satisfying sex.