This orgasm was even more intense than the second one, longer, turning her into a shivering mass of flesh. Her belly, her pussy and clit throbbed and pulsed, her inner walls clenching around his cock, and he groaned, drove himself so deep inside her she cried out from the intensity of it all.

“I’m gonna come,” he whispered and she encouraged him, her hands pressing against his ass. She swiveled her hips, drawing him deeper, tightened her pussy around him and then he was coming. His body shuddering, the sound of his gut-wrenching groans loud as he thrust once, twice more before slumping against her in a heap of exhausted man.

She held him close, her legs falling away from him, her arms sliding around his waist. His heart pumped fast and strong, matching hers beat for beat, and she smoothed her hands over his back, savoring the play of muscles that shifted beneath her touch.

This was dangerous, this moment right after sex. Too intimate, bringing them too close. She suddenly didn’t know how to deal.

She didn’t know if she wanted to deal. Panic flared within her, and it took everything she had not to push away from him and flee to the safety of her room.

It had been the most intense sex she’d ever shared with another person. And she didn’t know if she could take it.

Chapter Five

Michaela stared listlessly at the notes she’d just written. Her yellow legal pad blurred in front of her and she stifled a yawn behind her hand, not wanting to offend her boss by appearing bored at their weekly Tuesday meeting.

She worked at a car dealership in the business office, handled the accounts payable desk and normally she looked forward to going to work. Her coworkers were fun, she enjoyed flirting with the salesmen out on the floor and her actual job, though sometimes monotonous, did give her a sense of satisfaction.

It certainly wasn’t her life’s dream job but she made decent money and paid the bills. At least she wasn’t miserable.

But today, she felt a little miserable. And a lot tired. Staying up most of the night and into the early morning getting her brains thoroughly fucked out by Austin had something to do with it. Sneaking out of his bed without saying goodbye had a bit to do with it as well.

Ah, she was such a bitch. She didn’t even leave him a note. Just slunk out of his bed like some sort of common slut, took a hurried shower, threw some clothes on and got out of there. She was lucky she wasn’t late to work.

Everyone droned on in the meeting, going over sales figures and losses, discussing what next month’s strategy was. Usually she was alert, full of one, maybe even two Starbucks grande iced mochas by now and offering ideas wherever she could. Today, she was lucky to keep her eyes open and when her cell phone vibrated in her blazer pocket, she whipped it out, saw the text notification that appeared and opened the message.

You’re a naughty girl.

Her cheeks went hot and she shoved the phone back into her pocket. Was it wrong that those four words brought a rush of awareness that flowed through her body and landed right between her legs? Of course it was from Austin and that bastard, he knew just how to get to her.

How did he know anyway? It was as if he was so completely attuned to her he could read her mind, her every next move. The way he touched her last night, God. She couldn’t even begin to describe how good it had all felt.

Her cell vibrated again and she checked it a bit more discreetly now, not wanting anyone to see.

Want to be punished?

Okay, yes she kind of did want to be punished. She liked the way he asked versus just telling her she was going to be punished. As if he was trying to figure out what she wanted. A shiver slithered down her spine as she hit the reply button and punched in three simple letters.


She sent it off and waited, anticipation coursing through her, and she shifted her legs, crossing them at the ankles. He took forever to answer, probably only ten minutes though it felt like an hour, and when her phone finally vibrated again she quickly took a peek at it.

Take off your panties.

Huh? Her brows furrowed in confusion. Why would he want her to take off her panties? Yes, it was kind of hot to suggest but she could think of endless other ways he might punish her.

All of them wicked. All of them wonderful.

Her phone buzzed again, and she checked the inbox.

Call me in fifteen minutes.

Hmm. Something was definitely brewing. Luckily enough, the meeting was winding down and within ten minutes, she was walking out of the boardroom. Stopping off in the bathroom, she hurriedly took care of business then decided to hell with it. Moving fast in case someone came inside, she pulled off her panties and stuffed them in her blazer pocket.

She’d made such a mad dash when she got dressed this morning she hadn’t really paid attention to her underwear. Just grabbed them and put them on. Did he want to check them out somehow? They weren’t that exciting. Pale pink cotton and lace, they were nothing extravagant.

It felt downright naughty walking around without any panties on though. The smooth fabric of her skirt rubbed against her bare ass and she grew self-conscious, worried that she might give a coworker a flash of something if she didn’t watch it.

Michaela went to her desk, saw that the voicemail light on her phone was flashing. She checked it, thinking it might be Austin but it turned out to be one of the vendors she’d contacted yesterday returning her call. Settling the receiver back in the cradle, she turned to her computer where she checked her email.