Their mouths clung, his hand curling tight around the back of her head, bringing her closer. Darting his tongue out, he drew along the seam of her lips, causing her to open to him on a gasp, allowing him in. He searched her mouth leisurely, took his time to savor her flavor, the way her tongue swept against his, her hands moving to clutch at his shoulders.

Austin slipped his arm down, around her waist, and hauled her up so she lay sprawled across the top of him, the only barrier between them her miniscule clothing and the thin sheet. She straddled him, her legs sliding down around either side of his stomach, and his cock surged forward eagerly.

He deepened the kiss, angling her head with a touch of his hand, his fingers sliding across her soft cheek. Her mouth opened wider, their tongues more insistent as they dueled, and the need to say fuck it and just fuck her was overwhelming.

But he didn’t want to take this too fast. This was Michaela, after all. He’d waited for this moment for a long time. For all he knew she was giving him one shot and then she might withdraw. Hide back in her little shell and pretend this moment had never happened.

Shit. Why did the thought of that make his chest ache?

Pushing all negative thoughts aside, his hands wandered freely about her body. His left hand trailed down her throat, across her collarbone to cup one small breast. His right hand moved lower, sliding over her pert ass, his fingers playing with the elastic leg of her panties.

He swore he could feel her feminine heat emanating from between her legs, the scent of her arousal filling the air, and she wiggled against his touch. A breathy little moan sounded against his lips, needy and full of such longing, again he felt a knock in his chest.

Unfamiliar, uncomfortable, he didn’t want to deal with feelings. He wanted to explore Michaela first.

Austin traced the curve of her butt cheek with the tips of his fingers and she shuddered, spreading her legs farther. He reached up, tugged at the waistband of her panties and gave a violent pull.

“Take your panties off,” he murmured against her mouth and she helped him, lifting her hips so he could drag them off her, pushing at them with her hand until she finally kicked them off.

The shock, the reclaimed newness of touching a woman so intimately washed over him, made his cock swell, his entire body tighten with need. Her skin was soft, her movements subtle, her moans sweet and whispery. Her little hands smoothed over his shoulders, his chest. Her mouth fused to his and when she shifted downward, ground herself against his dick, he let forth a groan of his own.

The woman was unashamed in her movements, something he found refreshing especially when he remembered the last woman he’d been with. On the other hand, there was rarely any subtlety when he was with a man. They grabbed, they took, they shook their ass and begged to be fucked. Much like Brad had done a few days ago.

Jesus. What the hell was he doing thinking about Brad when he had a wet and willing woman in his arms? And he knew she was wet, could feel the heat of her pussy against his stomach. He needed to touch her there, experience for himself how soaked she was.

“I knew you would be a good kisser.” She broke their connection and lifted her head, watching him with an intensity that almost made him squirm. Her breathing was loud, ragged, and he caught a glimpse of damp sweat coating her skin.

He smiled, let his fingers trail over her butt, close to the crack of her ass, closer to her damp center. “You thought about kissing me?”

“Constantly.” She kissed him hard, maybe to prove her point, and he captured her lower lip with his teeth, giving it a firm tug. She yelped and reared away from him, her tongue sneaking out to dab at her injured lip. “Ow. That hurt.”

“Do you like it when it hurts?” He was desperate to know what she preferred, what aroused her. Did she like it slow and soft with the lights off and in the missionary position all the time?

He fucking hoped not. He really doubted it too. She seemed to have a more adventurous spirit, though she probably wasn’t into much kinky shit. Not that he was either but a man had his preferences and well, he liked to push it beyond standard issue sexual encounters.

Her face went somber and her eyes darkened, he noticed even in the dim light. “Why do you ask?”

“I just want to know what you like.” Hmm, there was something behind her question. He could see it written all over her face.

Michaela dipped her head and pressed her cheek against his, her mouth at ear level. “When you kissed me in the club and pulled my hair? Remember that?”

“Yeah.” His fingers dipped lower, so, so close to her pussy but he wanted to tease. Wanted to drive her crazy.

She wiggled against him, probably trying to direct his fingers right where she wanted them. “I loved it when you did that.” Her voice had lowered to a harsh whisper, as if that admission had taken a lot for her to say.

Austin squeezed her closer, loving that she trusted him enough to share that. “Are you saying you’re a naughty girl, Michaela?”

“Should I be punished?” She nibbled on his ear, her teeth sharp on his lobe, her tongue bathing the sting.

“You want to be?” He finally let himself touch her there, his fingers brushing against her swollen pussy lips, circling, playing with her. She arched against his touch, a little moan sounding in his ear, and he teased her entry.

She was hot, wet and creamy and he couldn’t wait to get inside her tight heat.

“Ohh, Austin, that feels good,” she crooned before she dabbed her tongue in his ear, making him shudder.

“You like that?” Maybe she was a talker. Sometimes he liked to talk, say wicked things but it depended on the person.

He had a strong suspicion he would enjoy talking to her.