What would her family do if she brought Austin to one of the family gatherings and introduced him as her boyfriend? That would certainly turn heads. With his eyeliner, his multiple earrings and edgy attire, they’d probably freak. They had their heart set on her ending up with a banker.

She’d had her fill of bankers, thankyouverymuch.

A car pulled into the lot, its lights cutting across her, illuminating the interior of her car and she lifted her head, taking a deep breath. She needed to get over herself and go inside. Talk to Austin and tell him they couldn’t do this anymore.

Yes, that was exactly what she needed to do.

Resolve filling her, she exited the car, locked the door with one press of the keyless remote and headed toward the apartment. Her steps were quick as she hurried up the stairs, the telltale rattling jarring her and if he was inside, surely he heard her approach.

Good. He’d be prepared, much like her. And she’d hit him with her wish and being the gentleman that he was, he’d agree with no argument. Then she could go to her room and lock herself away.

Away from him and his tantalizing scent, his beautiful eyes and his dazzling smile. Denying herself what she wanted while having it sit directly in front of her was going to be difficult.

Maybe she needed a new roommate.

Michaela turned the handle easily and opened the unlocked door, walked right inside. No other lights were on but the TV blared, casting shadows about the room. Austin sat sprawled on the couch, his long limbs practically taking over the entire length. His dark brows rose when he caught sight of her and he righted himself, sitting up straight.

“Finally done avoiding me, hmm?”

Leave it up to him to cut right to the chase. “I’ve been busy.” She shut the door behind her with a final click.

“Uh, huh.” He nodded but the doubt was there, in his tone, on his face. “We should talk.”

“There’s nothing to talk about.” She smiled, pushed away from the door and headed toward the kitchen. Depositing her purse on the counter, she grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and twisted the cap off, taking a long drink.

Gathered her thoughts, prepared what she wanted to say next. She’d had a plan just a minute ago. What the hell had happened to it?

Damn the man for unnerving her so.

“There is definitely something to talk about.” He followed her into the kitchen and when she turned around she found him standing close, too close.

She took a step backward, set the water bottle on the counter beside her. “It was a mistake, Austin.” She kept her tone measured, her gaze alighting upon his face, and she noticed the flicker of irritation in his eyes. One moment there, the next moment gone.

“A mistake.” He didn’t say anything else, just stared at her as if she might be crazy.

Which she probably was, putting a stop to this when it could be so good between them.

But there was no them. There could be nothing between them because even if he was interested, she was just a novelty. Experimenting because he had no better prospects and she was around so hey, why not?

“We got caught up in the moment and it just…happened. We won’t let it happen again.”

He continued watching her, his entire body still, his expression blank. Chewing on his lower lip, he looked contemplative, as if he was digesting her words. And he probably didn’t like what he had heard.

Well, too bad. Again, it was all about self-preservation. And fooling around with this man, though it had the potential to be a sizzling hot encounter, would probably end in sending her heart up in flames as well.

“You’re in denial,” he finally said, leaning his hip against the kitchen counter, mimicking her position. “I’m sure you think what’s happening here between us is impossible, and I can see why you’d feel that way. I get it.”

He pushed away from the counter and took a step toward her, then another. Coming closer, closer until she could smell him, feel him, his body heat reaching out toward her and luring her in. “So the ball’s in your court. I’m ready, willing and able, Michaela. I’m not going to deny that I want you. That I’ve wanted you for a long time.”

Silence filled the room, the sound of the TV growing distant as his words sunk in, making her head spin. He left it at that on purpose. Just to screw with her.

It was working.

“If you want me, you have to come to me. I’ll wait. It’s all up to you.” Leaning in, Austin kissed her fleetingly, the imprint of his mouth on hers lingering there long after he moved away from her.

She watched him exit the kitchen, her gaze dropping to his firm ass emphasized by the dark jeans he wore. Touching her tingling lips with shaking fingers, she released a shuddering breath, marveled at the fact that he could unsettle her so terribly with just one pitiful kiss.

Michaela couldn’t sleep. She lay flat on her back, staring up at the ceiling. Her blinds were cracked open, allowing the play of shadows to dance across the walls from the occasional light flashing outside. It was early, barely eleven, and the apartment complex was off of a very busy street. Luckily enough that usually didn’t bother her.