Page 4 of The Emperor

"It looks like she doesn't trust him not to drop her.” She looked over at Gideon. “He's giving her himself completely, but she won't even give him her trust. He's the tortured heart."

Gideon was silent. He stared at her for so long, she was afraid she had offended him. How was she to know what artists were like? Then he grinned, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I knew it the moment I laid eyes on you."

"What did you know?” He was making her very uncomfortable under his scrutinizing gaze.

"That you had passion,” he replied simply. “You are the first person to see this sculpture for what it truly is."

Then he took her into another room.

Gideon's house was not what she would have expected of such a wealthy man. He seemed to be living below his means while everyone else struggled to live far above theirs. His home, situated well outside of Cleveland, Ohio, was set far off the road on a long, winding gravel driveway. He had total privacy. All anyone would be able to see of it at the road was several hundred feet of trees. They hid his home like a fortress. When the car had inched closer, she was able to see his home wasn't the mansion she'd envisioned.

It was a sturdy stone and wood two-story with a three-car garage. The wood appeared to be barn siding. It was probably an expensive, treated wood. The house was enchanting with its wraparound porch and privacy. The porch swing stole her heart though. She pictured dozing there on a lazy afternoon, or even cozying up to a good book on a warm summer day.

Lori snatched herself back to the present and concentrated on not smacking into Gideon's back. His strides were much longer than hers, and she was having a hard time keeping up. He walked down a narrow hallway then turned into a room to their right. He flicked a light switch and Lori gasped.

With great cathedral ceilings and a huge wall of windows, the room was breathtaking. At least three times the size of the living room in her apartment. She fell in love with it on sight.

The only light came from a soft muted lamp on an end table. It was difficult to see details. Still, she could make out the gigantic couch situated along the far wall. How could anyone miss that?

She had no idea they even made couches so big. The soft, black suede cushions would swallow her up. The matching chair was nothing to sneeze at either. Then again, Lori figured a man as big as Gideon would need giant-sized furniture.

As her gaze roamed around the room, she spotted a tall wooden stool set directly in front of an artist's easel. That's where she would pose. The floor to ceiling windows behind the easel probably gave him wonderful light during the day. Then a thought struck. He'd brought her to his studio. Relief swamped her as she realized he did indeed intend to keep things professional.

Then her eyes caught sight of something that seemed out of place. An octagon-shaped ottoman softly padded. The purple was like a splash of red on a black and white photo it stood out so much. What would he need that for? Different positions maybe?

Before she could ponder the stools uses, the room was flooded in light and a gentle, sexy music filled the air. Lo

ri quickly forgot about the stool. When she turned, Gideon slowly shut the door. A wicked smile played at the corners of his mouth. A wild need to escape his overwhelming presence engulfed her whole being.

* * * *

Gideon watched Lori attempt to figure out the ottoman. Since he'd had the thing designed specifically for his own needs, there was no way for her to know its real use. As he pictured Lori spread out on the soft, purple fabric, naked, waiting submissively for him to pleasure her, a fire started up in his loins. He needed to get his body under control or he'd only succeed in scaring her away. That was the last thing he wanted. If he played his cards right, he'd have her open and eager very soon. Ready for anything. He ached for her total surrender. Gideon vowed to unlock her hidden passion. Breach all her barriers. One major hurdle was her asshole ex-fiancé.

What kind of man could look at Lori Fontaine and call her frigid? She had more passion in her pinky finger than any woman he'd ever known. When they'd been in the bar, Gideon had gotten angry as he read her thoughts. While she'd replayed her last encounter with Rick-the-dick, he'd had a crazy need to find the man and tear his heart out for hurting Lori. The volatile reaction confused him.

He wasn't a particularly possessive man nor was he overly protective with the women he dated. Lori was different. She awakened an archaic and barbaric need in him to seize and conquer. Immediately, he pictured himself donning a sword and knight's armor. He'd bury the sword to the hilt in Rick's chest, snatch her up, and carry her off on his black Arabian horse. As the victor, he'd ride off to make love to his willing conquest. On the heels of that thought came another. Lori spread out on a bed, ready and waiting for him to claim her.

Gideon wondered where he could get his hands on an array of soft silky scarves. Multicolored as she'd imagined in her mind. He'd wrap them around her delicate wrists and ankles. No cherry wood four-poster, but he'd improvise. He grinned at the delicious thought.

Now all he had to do was wipe the deer caught in the headlights look off her face and get her to feel a tad more comfortable. He wanted to begin the sketches he'd use for the sculpture as soon as possible. He frowned. No way was Lori going nude for the pose. It was too soon. He'd have to start with something different.

Gideon moved away from the door. “Would you care for a drink?"

"Yes, please. A glass of water would be nice."

Her whispery voice slid over his body like a caress. She had no idea the affect she had on him. Between the shy glances and the inviting tone in her voice, he wanted to strip her naked and fuck her right there. Just slam her against the door and drive deeply inside her hot cunt.

To take his mind off sex, Gideon picked up the small black remote which controlled the various components in the room and pushed a button. A corner of the wall opened up to reveal his fully stocked wet bar—sturdy black and steel and his own design. Out of nowhere, another of Lori's thoughts flitted through his mind. I wonder what else that trusty little remote can do. Gideon stifled a grin. She had no idea the many uses for the remote control.

As he poured water for her and a jack and coke for himself, he surreptitiously watched Lori move over to the couch and sit. It swallowed her tiny figure. She looked like a child sitting on his enormous couch.

"Are you comfortable?"

She nodded. “I could drift right off in this thing."

Of course, no woman in her right mind could fall asleep while you're around. The man is so bad for a girl's peace of mind.