Page 25 of The Emperor

When Lori turned to him, Gideon forgot all about the mention of erotica. He nearly lost his nerve when he saw the way she bit awkwardly at her bottom lip and the uncertainty in her eyes. It made him want to hold her, to tell her it would all work out. But he held back and gave her time to say what she needed to say. He only hoped he was man enough to take it.

"Gideon, I need to be honest with you."

His entire body stiffened with those words. If she didn't get on with it, he'd be on his knees begging, and that was the last thing either of them wanted.

"I had every intention of leaving here this morning and never seeing you again. I wanted to keep this casual and light. This is the first time I've ever done anything ... adventurous. I'm the one people call if they need a ride after partying all night.” She paused then added, “I thought what I had with Rick was my big, once in a lifetime, love. When he dumped me, I didn't think I could ever go through that again. I didn't want to fall in love. I didn't want a relationship for that matter. But then you came along and all my plans flew right out the window."

"I'm not Rick-the-dick, love. He was a damned fool.” Gideon heard snickering in the background, but he wasn't deterred. “I would never, could never, treat you in such a way,” Gideon vowed. He took Lori's hand and brought it to his mouth. He kissed her palm, relishing her and wishing he could erase Rick from her memory for all time.

He felt a shudder run through Lori as his lips smoothed over her delicate knuckles. “No, I know you wouldn't treat me the way he did,” she whispered, her desire building by slow degrees. “What I'm trying to say is that what I felt for Rick, well, it wasn't love.” She gazed up at him with an intimate tenderness meant for him alone. “It was a cold substitute. I know the difference now because what I feel for you, this hot, all consuming intensity, is so much more than anything I'd known. You're my biggest adventure ever, Gideon, and I'm not giving you up. Not for anything."

Gideon couldn't believe what he was hearing, but he desperately needed to be certain she was truly over Rick. Rick had really hurt her, and he didn't want her on the rebound. “Then let me in, Lori. Stop blocking me. Give me that, right now, at this moment."

Lori burst out laughing. “You'll do anything to get through my wall, won't you?” He only stood arrogantly staring at her, neither confirming nor denying. “I will let you in, but let this be a lesson to you, Gideon Adrian,” she censured. “From now on don't force your way in, or the wall goes back up."

Now he understood. He had, in his usual cocky way, tried to wriggle his way into her head. To read her mind and see if she loved him, before he put his own heart on the line. She must've had some idea he would try to sneak in, so the teacher had erected the wall as a lesson in privacy. No one had so effectively kept her thoughts hidden the way she had. In his opinion, it was a sign they were meant to be together. Gideon grinned full out now, thinking of how damned interesting his life with her would be.

He grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her hard. She reciprocated and opened up to him in every way. Soon they'd forgotten they had an audience.

"I have no idea what you two are talking about with all this wall business, but does this mean I'm no longer needed?"

Gideon let his lips drift away from Lori's and looked at Tabby and Gregory. “Go away you two. I've got a woman to sculpt."

Within seconds they were alone and naked. When he swung her into his arms and carried her to the studio, Lori said, “You weren't serious about the sculpture, were you?"

He shook his head. “Later for that. For now, I want you on that purple stool again."

She grinned and kissed his chest. “I love the way you think.” As a thought occurred, her brows scrunched up. “What do you plan to do with the sculpture once it's finished?"

"Keep it."

That surprised her. “But why?"

"There's no way I could ever let someone else have what's mine."

Her insides quivered. “I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything, love, just feel."

And she did.

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Eighteen months later...

"I realize you think I'm terrific, but you are somewhat biased, Gideon. Your agent isn't going to be swayed by love everlasting. She'll see all my flaws and idiosyncrasies right off the bat."

Gideon rubbed his forehead and sighed. “Love, you've talked to her for thousands of hours on the phone. Christ, you email each other every single day. What's there to be nervous about?"

He just didn't get it. Of course, he was a man. What did she expect? Lori unsnapped the seatbelt and inhaled hoping to calm her jitters, but it would take way more than a deep breath to quell her fears and reservations. Today was the big day she would finally come face-to-face with Gideon's larger than life agent.

What's there to be nervous about?” she shouted, nearly hysterical with the mere thought of getting out of the car. “I am about to meet the woman who single-handedly made you a sensation in the art world. She's smart, savvy, elegant, and I'm not.” Gideon tried to interject, but she was well beyond soothing. “And, to top it off I look like a beached-whale!"

Gideon grinned. The dolt. She smacked him in the chest, and his grin grew. He grabbed her hand when she tried to hit him again and even managed to twine their fingers together. She had to admit, the gesture went a long way to calming her nerves.

"Baby, you are prettier and smarter than any woman on earth. If anyone should be nervous, it should be me because all the men in there are going to be eyeing you.” He bent toward her and kissed her cheek. He moved a little lower, sweeping his lips over hers. Her head swam. When he leaned back, his eyes were intense and hot with passion. Gideon's voice was hoarse and edgy when he placed his palm over her belly and stared at its roundness. “And you do not look like a beached-whale. You're barely showing, love."