Page 24 of The Emperor

"If we don't answer the door, I'm afraid your sister will only beat it down,” Gideon muttered.

Lori nodded, and together they left the studio.

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Chapter Twelve

By the time they'd reached the front door, Lori's sister had resorted to banging her fist against the door. Gideon pulled Lori into his side, wrapped his arm around her waist, then swung the door wide. He stopped cold. His heart nearly stopped at the sight that greeted him. The woman on the other side was Lori. Only it wasn't Lori because she was next to him.

"What have you done to my sister?” The look alike growled.

Gideon looked at Lori and rumbled, “A twin? Damn, you could have warned me. I nearly had a heart attack.” Then he heard a moan, like an animal in pain, and Gideon peered around the side of the door and saw Gregory curled up in a ball cupping his crotch on the floor of his porch.

Gideon quirked an eyebrow at Lori's twin. “What'd you do to my friend?"

She looked down at the moaning mass of blond hair. “He said something about how hot I looked in see-thru purple. Since I'd never met him before, I figured he was talking about Lori. The comment seemed entirely inappropriate, so I kicked him."

Gideon was about to thank her, but he never got the chance because she kept right on going. “Since you're the hottie Lori hooked up with, I figured you wouldn't mind so much if I kicked one of your friends in the balls, seeing as how he was blatantly hitting on your babe and all. Know what I mean?” She popped her gum and waited.

Hottie? Gideon was dumbfounded at how completely different two sisters could be. Identical in looks, but that's where the similarities ended. Lori was conservative and demure, but her twin was an unrestrained bundle of electricity in leather pants.

"Tabby, allow me to introduce you to Gideon Adrian.” Lori glanced to the right of the door and added, “And the man you turned into mush would be his best friend, Gregory Kent."

Tabby had the good sense to look contrite; even if it wasn't the emotion she was feeling at the moment. “Sorry about the kick, Gregory, but you really should learn to control your mouth."

Gregory slowly rose to his feet, careful to

keep his eyes both on the evil twin and on Gideon. Smart of him, Gideon thought, considering he was ready to kick his ass for flirting with Lori. Or, the woman he thought was Lori. Christ, he was getting a headache.

"Yeah, you sound sorry,” Gregory mumbled then winced as he attempted to stand up straight. “I would say it was nice to meet you, but...” Gregory let the thought trail off. Gideon knew it'd be a damn cold day before Gregory ever got within ten feet of the little hellcat.

"Tabby, it's nice to meet you,” Gideon said. As he kept his arm firmly wrapped around Lori, he gestured for Tabby to enter. “And I apologize for my friend. If I know Gregory, he was only flirting with you because he knew it would piss me off."

Tabby and Lori both appeared flabbergasted. Tabby asked, “He purposely tries to piss you off, does he?"

"He razzes me. It's all harmless fun."

Tabby seemed unconvinced, but Lori only smiled. She'd already had a taste of Gregory's flirtatious nature.

"So, what took you two so long to get to the door?” Tabby's gaze twinkled with mischief.

"We were busy and don't ask rude questions,” Lori admonished.

Gideon wasn't about to let the opportunity pass to plead his case. “To be honest, I was just about to tell your stubborn sister here that I love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her."

Gideon looked at Lori. Her eyes were wide, and her mouth hung open. For the first time in a very long time he felt real fear. This woman had his heart in her hands. What she did with it was up to her. All he could do was wait and hope. It was damned humbling for a man who thought he'd had life all figured out.

"You two only just met!” Tabby howled.

"Does it matter?” he whispered as he kept his gaze on Lori.

"I suppose not,” Tabby admitted. “So, do you love him, sis?"

More than ever, Gideon knew Lori wanted to crawl into a hole, but she mustered up her nerve and looked at her sister. “I swear, Tabby, mom should have taken away your Lady Georgina novels, locked you in your room, and thrown away the key."

"I'm not the one swearing undying love after a weekend of frivolity."

Lori shook her head, missing the look of surprise on Gideon's face and the sudden awareness on Gregory's at the mention of Lady Georgina. No one knew Lady Georgina wasn't really a lady, but a man and Gideon's best friend Gregory.