Page 17 of The Emperor

One final stroke with a graphite drawing pencil and Gideon's heart nearly leaped out of his chest at the image he'd created.

"For instance, if the piece is for an intimate setting, such as a home, then the sculpture would be smaller in size, but if it's intended for a business, then it would be larger."

Gideon placed his pencil in a cup on a table next to the easel and stood back. He stared at his handiwork as he mechanically explained the final stage of the process. “After some basics are established, I give them a ballpark quote. Then a sketch soon follows. Of course, the party requesting an Adrian Original will need to understand the sketch is not a blueprint, but more a rough draft. If they like what I've drawn up, they give me a deposit and I start on the clay."

"Wow,” Lori said, with a certain amount of awe in her voice. “I had no idea so much was involved. Then her face took on a look of horror, and Lori seemed to panic. “Oh no, Gideon, I can't afford to buy a sculpture from you! Not that I wouldn't love to, of course,” she quickly clarified, “it's just that I'm a teacher, and teachers do not make that kind of money.” She bit her lip in worry. “I think somehow I've managed to give you the wrong impression."

"It's done,” Gideon said, as a confident smile slowly emerged.

"It's done? Really?"

It was obvious her curiosity at what she looked like in curving lines of black and grey caused her to momentarily forget what they'd been discussing. Gideon treasured the excited interest in her tone.

"Would you like to see for yourself?"

Her eyes widened. “Could I?"

Gideon held out his hand and murmured, “Come here."

* * * *

His hand, his deep voice, they were tempting enticements, and Lori knew she was helpless to them both. His heavy brows had bunched together while he'd worked. His confident fingers constantly, moving the pencil in slow steady strokes. Lori had been going crazy wondering what she would look like when he was through. Now, she wasn't really sure she wanted to see the way he viewed her. Still, she was curious. Would she be disappointed?

Lori stepped off the stool, stretched out her stiff legs and spine, then closed the distance between them. She became aware of the growing anticipation and tension filling her. Some of it due to seeing her picture, but most of it was because Gideon's gaze devoured her as each step brought her closer to him.

The minute Lori reached him; he grasped her hand in an unyielding hold as if he were afraid she would slip through his fingers. If she was capable of forming words, she would've told him she wasn't about to go anywhere. The hard roughness of his touch had her nearly purring. She was putty.

He pulled her directly in front of him. The entire length of his body pressed against her back. She trembled and closed her eyes. The picture was forgotten.

"Look at yourself. Open those pretty eyes and see what I see."

Gideon's deeply whispered words effectively drew her out of the web of desire he'd wound around her. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself staring at a stunningly beautiful woman. Lori was struck speechless by the alluring shadows and lines on the canvas.

"That can't be me."

"Don't be nervous, sweetheart. You are so unaware of your own appeal. How could you not know how sweet and sexy you are? I draw what I see, Lori. Nothing more, nothing less."

"It looks so...” She was at a loss for words. She didn't know how to make him understand she wasn't the ethereal beauty he'd created with his talented hands.

"It looks sensual and so damn tempting it makes me want to fuck you right here,” Gideon groaned.

Lori shuddered. “Oh god."

He turned her around until she faced him. “In fact, there's the small matter of the purple stool."

She couldn't think with him so close. His scent filled her; his body turned her mind to mush. “Stool?"

He pointed to the middle of the room. She followed his finger and realized he was talking about the strangely shaped octagon she'd noticed when she'd first arrived. She had no idea why he was suddenly interested in that particular piece of furniture though. “What about it?"

"Do you remember when I told you it was custom-made?"

"Yes, but I was a little preoccupied at the time and not really paying attention."

"It's designed for sex."

Her gaze darted back to the stool. “It looks like a normal stool. Only bigger. I don't think I'm following you."

"How about a demonstration?"