Page 10 of The Emperor

"I'm not introducing you. Get out before I lose my temper and pound that pretty face you're so fucking proud of."

Lori's low husky voice stopped any reply Gregory would've made. “Uh, hello? I'm Lori Fontaine."

Apparently, her good manners overrode her shyness. Gideon groaned. “Don't bother with niceties, he's not staying."

Lori shoved him, and when that didn't get him to move, she sidled around him. Great, with him she's a shy wallflower, but with Gregory she's all smiles. To add fuel to his already out of control fury Gregory could now see her from head to toe. Gideon was forced to watch as the son-of-a-bitch got a good long look.

Gideon wanted desperately to twist his friend's dick in a knot for the vulgar thoughts running rampant inside of his depraved head. Never mind they had just been running around in his head as well. He was allowed to think of Lori in various sexual positions; Gregory wasn't.

Gregory moved dangerously close to Lori and reached a hand out to her. “It's very nice to meet you, Lori Fontaine. I'm Gregory Kent.” His smile was flirtatious, and his silvery-blue eyes lit with delight. The damn rascal was flirting with her.

Fuck me, Gideon. She's incredible!

Gideon stepped forward, ready to send his best friend to hell with one well placed fist, when Lori reached out as if to shake Gregory's hand. He stopped her with one hand clasped around her wrist, then gently nudged her behind him again.

"Gideon, you're embarrassing me,” she muttered.

He swung around and pinned her with a furious glare. “If you don't want to see blood shed here today, then you'll stay where I put you."

Immediately he knew he'd made a mistake. She was good and pissed now. In her mind she envisioned strangling him.

"Look, you can stick your blasted easel and stool where the sun doesn't shine!"

Gideon placed a finger to her lips. “Don't forget what you're wearing right now, sweetheart. You just gave a complete stranger a free show."

Her eyes narrowed. “You may as well be a complete stranger, Gideon."

That stopped him for a moment, but then he leaned in close and whispered, “We made love last night and this morning. You screamed my name. That sure as hell changes things, baby."

A flush spread over her cheeks. Hell, he knew he was acting like a jealous lover, but he couldn't seem to stop himself. When the same thought popped into her head, it compelled him to respond. “I've never been jealous with any other woman.” He spoke the words in a low tone, meant for her ears alone.

Her eyes held a thousand questions, and Gideon wanted to answer every single one of them, but first things first. Gideon deliberately raised his voice for Gregory. “Now, please stay where I put you and we'll talk after I get rid of this asshole."

"Hey, I resent that!"

A headache began to make itself known. As he rubbed his temples, Gideon turned back around and faced his best friend. Maybe his only friend.

"For the love of God, Gregory, go away. I'll call you tomorrow. We can talk then."

Gregory heaved a huge and exaggerated sigh. “Okay, okay, I know when I'm not wanted.” But in his mind Gregory said, you'd damn well better call me though. I want to know where you found this beauty. I just may give you a run for this one, old friend.

Gideon frowned as he heard Gregory's final thought. No way in hell would he get his hands on Lori. She was his. She just didn't know it yet.

After he watched to be sure Gregory left, he turned around and faced Lori. She was standing with her arms crossed, a gesture that pushed her breasts high, and her cheeks were flushed. She'd worked herself up good, the truth of which lay in all the four letter words she was calling him inside her head.

Gideon thought she'd never looked more adorable or more fuckable.

"First of all, you don't tell me what to do, Gideon Adrian. I'm here for one reason and one reason only; you wanted to sculpt me remember? But don't think for one minute that just because we slept together you have some kind of rights over me.” When he thought it was safe to defend himself, she went on, “And how is it possible for you to know what I'm thinking? How do you know what I'm going to say before I say it?"

Her eyes darkened a fraction, turning them jade. His first thought was to give her some song and dance about seeing it written all over her face, something to the affect that she didn't hide her emotions very well. He'd never told his secret to a woman he was involved with before. But as he stared down at her, he realized he wanted to be honest with her. He wanted it all out in the open.

Gideon didn't want to think of the reason why he was willing to share such a huge part of himself with her. For the time being, the only thing that mattered was seeing her smile at him again.

"First off, I'm sorry for acting like an ass. Please, forgive me?"

"You're trying to charm me so I'll forgive you. But it won't work. I want answers or we're done here."

"Don't leave. I'm sorry I went all macho on you. I'm not sure what came over me.” He pulled her hand up and placed a gentle kiss to her soft palm, then whispered, “But, you aren't just any woman, baby. I wanted you the moment I saw you. You took my breath away.” He looked at her tempting body and growled. “You look beautiful, and I didn't like the idea of Gregory seeing you."