Jensen quirked a brow. “Damn, this really is serious.”

Jason pushed a hand through his hair. “I’m pretty sure I’m falling for her, but I’m being a chicken shit because I’m sort of worried she doesn’t feel the same way.”

“Well, for now, get your head out of your ass and get to work. We have houses to clean and clients to please.” He paused before adding, “Later, you can go to her and spill your guts. Then hope and pray she doesn’t kick you in the teeth.”

“Gee, thanks for the pep talk, bro.” Jason heard the door chime, signaling a client. He stood and went to greet their visitor. His brother was right. He needed to tell Emma the truth. That she had his heart. If she didn’t feel the same way, then he’d just give up on women altogether and become a damn monk.

Jason watched as Emma approached the front door to her shop. The CLOSED sign didn’t escape his notice. Good, she was alone. Parts of his body hardened at the thought. She frowned when she caught sight of him. Emma quickly turned the knob, and between one breath and the next, he had her in a crushing hug against his chest, his arms wrapped around her waist so tight she was afraid he’d break a rib if he didn’t let up. “Damn, I missed you,” he groaned as he nuzzled her.

“Jason.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled. “This is a nice surprise. I thought you were going to call me later.”

“Yeah, that was the plan,” he murmured as he loosened his hold and leaned back to look at her from head to toe. “Christ, you look good enough to eat, baby.” He slammed the door with his foot and took her mouth in a hard, claiming kiss. When he lifted a fraction, he groaned, “I needed to see you. Do you mind?”

“Of course not.” She blushed and looked away. “I-I missed you too.”

“I’m so glad to hear that, baby.” Because now he was here, Jason was loath to let her go anytime soon. She seemed to have it in her mind to make her time with him great for as long as it lasted, with no strings and no recriminations. He could see her willful thoughts in her beautiful face. Jason suddenly imagined Emma walking out of his life forever and his stomach soured.

He ruthlessly forced those thoughts down. For now, he would coax forth the passion that lay dormant and capture it for his own.

He locked the door behind him, then took her to the upstairs apartment. Using one hand, Jason began unbuttoning the thousands of tiny pearls that clung to the front of her blouse. He looked into her anxious eyes. “If I were an impatient man, I would simply rip this bit of useless silk down the front and bare your pretty form to me in one smooth stroke.” He came down to within a breath of her lips. “But I enjoy a challenge, and going slow with you is always a challenge.” Then Jason let his tongue sweep across Emma’s soft, ruby lips. She parted them on a sigh, and he knew it was an invitation to taste her deeper.

Even while he slipped his tongue inside, he knew it wasn’t the part of her body he wanted against his tongue. He wanted her breasts. To taste and tease her nipples into stiff little peaks of need. Then he would move lower. Take her pussy into his mouth, feast on her sweet juice. He wanted her so crazy that she would beg him to fuck her.

Jason had half her blouse open, and he could now see her bra was the same deep shade of red beneath. He dipped his head and licked a fiery path down the valley between her breasts. Jason knew a sense of pride when her body bowed for him. She was so beautiful. So eager. Her hands came up and clutched at his hair, pulling almost painfully, bringing his lips more fully against her flesh in the process. Her skin was as soft as silk and Jason drank her in, swallowing her essence. Soon, her shirt was completely undone and with a mere flick of his fingers, her bra snapped open, causing her breasts to spill free. He felt as if he’d been given the greatest of gifts when he saw her upper body in the soft light for the first time.

“My beautiful lover,” Jason gritted out as his fervent body responded to the sight of her.


“My beautiful lover,” he murmured again as he lowered his head and sucked one perfect raspberry nipple into his mouth with ravenous haste.

“Oh,” Emma replied in a husky little murmur. The sound sent fire licking through his veins.

Jason moved over her, crushing her to the mattress beneath, and used his knee to spread her legs wide, then wider still. He pushed his aching erection against her soft little mound, letting her feel what she did to him, then, using both his hands, he cuddled and shaped her perfect tits, squeezing one while tasting the other. Emma writhed shamelessl

y beneath him. He groaned his approval and released her nipple with an audible pop. Skating down her body, using his tongue to feel his way, Jason pushed her blouse out of his way so he could see her voluptuous curves. His eyes glazed over when he caught sight of her cute belly button.

“God, even this is sexy,” he uttered in a gruff voice as he let his tongue dip into the sweet indentation, flicking playfully.

“Oh, Jason, that feels… Oh God.” Her voice quivered. “I need you. Please, quit teasing me this way.”

Jason raised his head at her pleading. “I want to make your pleasure last, so I refuse to rush this, woman.”

She groaned in frustration, extracting an indulgent smile from Jason at her very feminine pout.

He slowly slipped his hand down her body, committing her curves to memory. When he reached the warm skin of her thigh, it was his turn to groan. He skimmed beneath the stretchy, black material and felt his way over a pair of lace panties. She was already so hot and wet, but it wasn’t enough. He wanted to feel her with nothing in his way. He wanted her soaked and eager to take him into her body.

Jason lifted up so he was kneeling between her widespread thighs, and took no time in getting rid of her skirt and panties. He stared down at the perfection of her luscious body and wanted to praise the great Creator for such a work of art.

To his complete delight, he could now see for himself she was indeed a true brunette. The neatly trimmed tuft of dark curls covering her hidden treasures was the sweetest sight indeed. He wanted to kiss her there, right where he knew she needed his touch most. Emma was hungry for it. She craved something tonight. Something that had brought her into the club that night, and within his reach. He would indulge her, and in return take a bit of the sweet dessert she offered.

At once, Jason left the bed, his body going hot with arousal when she whimpered unhappily. He was tempted to lie back down between her long, lean legs and sip her honeyed heat, but Jason had a way of doing things, and he would not be denied.

“Stand up for me, baby.”

She hesitated for the briefest of seconds, and then she rose from the bed, her body as fluid and graceful as a dancer’s.

Jason stepped forward so he was within touching distance, and then murmured, “It would please me if you undressed me…the way I did you.”