He turned her to her back and moved over on top of her. “Good,” he murmured. “Now, on to more interesting things.” His lips coasted over hers, and Emma was lost. It was hours before they finally fell asleep.

Chapter Six

The next evening, Emma found herself looking out Marquetta’s front window. Four men stood around a motorcycle, and they were practically drooling over it. She laughed when Jason smoothed his hand over the chrome.

She turned away from the ridiculous display. “He’s sort of in love with that machine, huh?”

Marquetta snorted. “Jensen’s just as bad. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he decides to buy one too. He already has two motorcycles, but he loves anything with pretty paint and a great engine.”

“The Kershaw brothers have a lot to answer for if you ask me.” The feminine voice belonged to AJ. Emma remembered the short, fit brunette from high school, but thanks to the shyness affliction Emma constantly battled, they’d never gotten to know each other.

“Why is that?” Emma asked, curious about AJ’s slightly perturbed tone.

AJ used her finger to swipe icing off her fork. “Seth and Ames keep talking about buying a motorcycle, but the idea petrifies me.”

Marquetta’s eyes softened as she stared at AJ. “Yeah, but you have to admit those two would look pretty great on their own cycles.”

AJ grinned. “Yeah, and the idea of hitching a ride with them isn’t exactly an unpleasant thought.”

“I never thought I’d ride a motorcycle. I’m way too much of a baby,” Emma said as she took another bite of her cake. “But Jason somehow manages to get me to do things I’d not normally do.”

“Yeah, I hear that,” Marquetta said. “But the guys are safe drivers. You don’t have to worry about that.” She took a drink of her strawberry cooler.

“Are you questioning my driving?”

The question came from behind her. Emma turned to see Jason standing near the front door. The black T-shirt he wore stretched across his muscular chest, and the old, faded jeans he wore hung low on his hips, sending her libido into overdrive. The man had a body to die for. And right now his hot gaze ate her up. Emma’s stomach did a little cartwheel. She knew what that look meant now.

She realized he’d asked her a question, and she merely stood there, staring at him like a nitwit. “Motorcycles just make me nervous, that’s all.”

When Jensen, Seth and Ames stepped into the room behind him, all three men grinning, Emma forced her body to cool down, lest she self-combust in front of everyone.

“I thought you were ogling Jason’s machine,” Marquetta said. “Should I be worried?”

Jensen strode across the room and took Marquetta into his arms. “You’re my one and only true love.”

Ames and Seth pulled up chairs on either side of AJ. Seth began to play wit

h her ponytail while Ames took bites of her cake. Emma watched as AJ seemed totally oblivious that both men were into her.

“Hey, I thought we were going swimming,” Ames said, flicking the tip of AJ’s nose. “Where’s your suit?”

AJ rolled her eyes. “Underneath my clothes, dork.”

Jason’s lips kicked up at the corners. “What about you? Did you bring a swimsuit?”

“Uh, yeah.” Emma turned three shades of red. She was so not okay with wearing it in front of everyone.

Jason leaned close and murmured against her ear, “Are you feeling shy?”

She cringed. “Is it that obvious?”

Jason cupped her chin. “You can wear it for me later, when we’re alone.”

Emma had a sudden vision of modeling the suit for him, moments before he peeled it off her and made mad, passionate love to her. Her blood turned to molten lava. “That sounds much better to me,” she whispered.

When he leaned close and kissed her, Emma’s heart began to race out of control. “When you look at me like that, it makes me want to get you alone.”

“I wouldn’t mind,” she replied. She glanced around the room and caught the way Jensen looked at Marquetta. The love in his eyes was so easy to see. Would Jason ever look at her that way?